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Feature Overview

Workbench provides the following features:

  • Application Management

    • Supports "polyform" cloud native applications in various cloud native scenarios, including Kubernetes native applications, Helm apps, and OAM applications.
    • Provides comprehensive lifecycle management for cloud native applications, including scaling, logging, monitoring, and application updates.
    • Enables seamless integration with microservice applications based on Spring Cloud, Dubbo, and Service Mesh frameworks to achieve effective microservice governance. It seamlessly integrates with DCE 5.0's Microservice Engine and Service Mesh.
  • Pipeline Orchestration

    Pipeline is a customizable CI/CD mode.

    • Supports four modes to create pipelines: custom creation, Jenkinsfile-based creation, tempalte-based creation, and create multiple-branch pipelines.
    • Supports editing pipelines with graphical UI.
    • Supports building applications from source code in GitHub repos, Jar packages, Helm charts, or container images.
  • Credential Management

    Manages different types of credentials for code repositories and image registries used in a pipeline.

  • GitOps

    Introduces the concept of GitOps to achieve continuous deployment of applications, which helps control the application release and deployment process after code building.

    • Based on Argo CD, automates the deployment of applications to production environments frequently and continuously.
    • Provides creation, synchronization, and deletion of Argo CD applications.
  • Repository Management

    Supports importing code repositories from Git, allowing you to use them for continuous deployment of applications.

  • Canary Release

    Canary release ensures system stability by allowing you to discover and fix bugs during the initial grayscale phase, reducing the impact range of bugs and vulnerabilities.

    • Supports advanced release policies such as Canary release, Blue/Green deployment, and A/B Testing.
    • Canary release supports automated progressive release.
    • Supports quick rollback based on metric analysis.
  • Toolchain Integration

    This means you can integrate your favorite DevOps tools as a toolchain, no need to log into multiple platforms and dealing with different views of these tools.
