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Create a multi-branch pipeline

Workbench pipeline supports the creation of multi-branch pipelines based on code repositories.


  • Create workspace, Create user.
  • Add the user to the workspace with workspace editor or higher privileges.
  • Provide a code warehouse, and the source code of the code warehouse has multiple branches, and all have Jenkinsfile text files.
  • If it is a private warehouse, you need to create warehouse access credentials in advance.


  1. Click Create Pipeline on the pipeline list page.

  2. Select Create multi-branch pipeline and click OK.

  3. Fill in the basic information and code warehouse information by referring to the instructions below.

    • name: the name of the pipeline. The pipeline name must be unique under the same workspace.
    • Description information: The user describes the feature of the current pipeline.
    • Code warehouse address: fill in the address of the remote code warehouse.
    • Credentials: For private warehouses, you need to create repo access credentials in advance and select the credentials here.
    • Script path: the absolute path of the Jenkinsfile in the code repository.
  4. Refer to the instructions below to fill in branch discovery policy, scan trigger, branch settings, and clone configuration information.

    • Open discovery branch: the default value is .*, and the branch is filtered by regular expression.
    • Turn on multi-branch scanning: After it is turned on, once there is a branch change in the code warehouse, it will be synchronized.
    • Scanning interval: Scan the code warehouse according to the preset interval to check whether it is updated again.
    • Delete old branches: After enabled, old branches and pipelines will be deleted according to the policy
    • Days to keep: the number of days to keep the old branch and the pipeline of the old branch, and delete it after expiration.
    • Number of reservations: the number of old branches and pipeline reservations of old branches.
    • Shallow clone: ​​When enabled, pull the latest version of the code repository. Supports setting the clone depth, generally the default is 1 to speed up the pull.
    • Clone timeout: The maximum waiting time when pulling code.

  5. Complete the creation. After confirming that all parameters have been entered, click the OK button to complete the creation of the multi-branch pipeline and automatically return to the pipeline list.

  6. After the creation is complete, the corresponding pipeline that executes the branch that meets the conditions will be automatically triggered.

Other operations

Scan warehouse

The purpose of scan repository is to manually trigger the discovery of new branches of the code repository.

View scan log

Displays the log of the branch found during the latest scan of the code repository.

View Branches

The branch information obtained according to the branch discovery policy, where the branch in the disabled state represents that the latest scan results do not conform to the branch discovery strategy.
