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Install Jenkins


  • Before installing Jenkins, you need to ensure that the default storage class exists in the cluster that will be Jenkins.
  • Make sure to install under amamba-system namespace.
  • If installed in the global service cluster, please ensure that the amamba-jenkins instance under the amamba-system namespace is in Container Management -> Helm Application.

start installation

  1. Enter the Container Management module, find the cluster where Jenkins needs to be installed in the Cluster List, and click the name of the cluster.


    The Jenkins deployment cluster needs to be selected according to the actual situation. It is not recommended to deploy it in the global service cluster at present, because Jenkins will occupy a lot of resources when executing the pipeline with high concurrency, which may lead to the paralysis of the global service cluster.

  2. In the left navigation bar, select Helm Application -> Helm Template, find and click Jenkins.

  3. In Version Selection, select the version you want to install, and click Install.

  4. In the installation interface, fill in the required installation parameters, and finally click the OK button in the lower right corner.

    The following are important parameter descriptions, which are written according to actual business needs.

    Parameters Description
    AdminUser username for Jenkins
    AdminPassword Password for Jenkins
    Deploy.JenkinsHost Access link for Jenkins. If you choose the Node Port method, the access address rule is: http://{cluster address: port}
    JavaOpts Specify the JVM startup parameters to start Jenkins
    ServiceType Default is ClusterIP, supports ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer
    ServicePort Service access port
    NodePort Required if ServiceType=NodePort, range: 30000-32767
    resources.requests Jenkins resource request values ​​
    resources.limits Resource limits for Jenkins
    image.registry jenkins image
    eventProxy.enabled true means deployed in a non-global service cluster
    false means deployed in a global service cluster
    eventProxy.image.registry Required if enabled=true
    eventProxy.image.repository Required if enabled=true
    eventProxy.image.tag Required if enabled=true
    eventProxy.imagePullPolicy Required if enabled=true Required if enabled=true
    eventProxy.configMap.eventroxy.proto Required if enabled=true
    eventProxy.configMap.eventroxy.token If enabled=true must be filled in
    Token acquisition method refers to the global management access key document:
  5. Go to the Helm app to view the deployment results.

Integrate Jenkins

Note: currently only supports the integration of Jenkins installed through the DCE 5.0 platform.

  1. Log in to DCE 5.0 as a user with the Workbench Admin role and navigate to Workbench.

  2. Click Toolchain Integration under Platform Management in the left navigation bar, and click the Integration button in the upper right corner.

  3. Select the toolchain type Jenkins, fill in the integration name, Jenkins address, username and password. If the Jenkins address is https protocol, a certificate needs to be provided. The default account password of jenkins deployed through helm is admin/Admin01.

  4. After the integration is complete, a record will be successfully generated on the Toolchain List page.

  5. Next, you can go to [Create Pipeline] (create/ in the workspace.
