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Docking navigation bar

Take container management (codename kpanda) as an example, docking to the navigation bar.

The expected effect after docking is as follows:

Docking method

Refer to the following steps to dock the GProduct:

  1. Register all kpanda (container management) features to the nav bar via GProductNavigator CR.

    kind: GProductNavigator
      name: kpanda
      gproduct: kpanda
      name: 容器管理
        zh-CN: 容器管理
        en-US: Container Management
      url: /kpanda
      category: 容器  # (1)
      iconUrl: /kpanda/nav-icon.png
      order: 10 # (2)
      - name: 备份管理
          zh-CN: 备份管理
          en-US: Backup Management
        iconUrl: /kpanda/bkup-icon.png
        url: /kpanda/backup
    1. Only support one of overview, workbench, container, microservice, data service, and management
    2. The larger the number, the higher it is ranked

    The configuration for the global management navigation bar category is stored in a ConfigMap and cannot be added through registration at present. Please contact the global management team to add it.

  2. The kpanda front-end is integrated into the DCE 5.0 parent application Anakin as a micro-frontend.

    DCE 5.0 frontend uses qiankun to connect the sub-applications UI. See getting started.

    After registering the GProductNavigator CR, the corresponding registration information will be generated for the front-end parent application. For example, kpanda will generate the following registration information:

      "id": "kpanda",
      "title": "容器管理",
      "url": "/kpanda",
      "uiAssetsUrl": "/ui/kpanda/", // The trailing / is required
      "needImportLicense": false

    The corresponding relation between the above registration and the qiankun sub-application fields is:

        name: id,
        entry: uiAssetsUrl,
        container: '#container',
        activeRule: url, 
        props: globalProps,

    container and loader are provided by the frontend parent application. The sub-application does not need to concern it. Props will provide a pinia store containing user basic information and sub-product registration information.

    qiankun will use the following parameters on startup:

      sandbox: {
        experimentalStyleIsolation: true,
      // Remove the favicon in the sub-application to prevent it from overwriting the parent application's favicon in Firefox
      getTemplate: (template) => template.replaceAll(/<link\s* rel="[\w\s]*icon[\w\s]*"\s*( href=".*?")?\s*\/?>/g, ''),

Refer to Docking demo tar to GProduct provided by frontend team.
