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Login loop with error 401 or 403

This issue occurs when the MySQL database connected to ghippo-keycloak encounters a failure, causing the OIDC Public keys to be reset.

For Global Management version 0.11.1 and above, you can follow these steps to restore normal operation by updating the Global Management configuration file using helm .

# Update helm repository
helm repo update ghippo

# Backup ghippo parameters
helm get values ghippo -n ghippo-system -o yaml > ghippo-values-bak.yaml

# Get the current deployed ghippo version
version=$(helm get notes ghippo -n ghippo-system | grep "Chart Version" | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2 }')

# Perform the update operation to make the configuration file take effect
helm upgrade ghippo ghippo/ghippo \
-n ghippo-system \
-f ./ghippo-values-bak.yaml \
--version ${version}
