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Log Collection Troubleshooting Guide

After installing the insight-agent in the cluster, Fluent Bit in insight-agent will collect logs in the cluster by default, including Kubernetes event logs, node logs, container logs, etc. Fluent Bit has already configured various log collection plugins, related filter plugins, and log output plugins. The working status of these plugins determines whether log collection is normal. Below is a dashboard for Fluent Bit that monitors the working conditions of each Fluent Bit in the cluster and the collection, processing, and export of plugin logs.

  1. Use DCE 5.0 platform, enter Observability, and select the Dashboard in the left navigation bar.

  2. Click on the dashboard title Overview.

  3. Switch to the insight-system -> Fluent Bit dashboard.

  4. There are several check boxes above the Fluent Bit dashboard to select the log collection plugin, log filter plugin, log output plugin, and the name of the cluster in which it is located.

Plugin Description

Here are some plugins for Fluent Bit.

Log Collection Plugin

Input Plugin Plugin Description Collection Directory
tail.kube Collect container logs /var/log/containers/*.log
tail.kubeevent Collect Kubernetes event logs /var/log/containers/-kubernetes-event-exporter.log
tail.syslog.dmesg Collect host dmesg logs /var/log/dmesg
tail.syslog.messages Collect frequently used host logs /var/log/secure, /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog,/var/log/auth.log
syslog.syslog.RSyslog Collect RSyslog logs
systemd.syslog.systemd Collect Journald daemon logs
tail.audit_log.k8s Collect Kubernetes audit logs /var/log//audit/.log
tail.audit_log.ghippo Collect global management audit logs /var/log/containers/_ghippo-system_audit-log.log
tail.skoala-gw Collect microservice gateway logs /var/log/containers/_skoala-gw.log

Log Filter Plugin

Filter Plugin Plugin Description
Lua.audit_log.k8s Use lua to filter Kubernetes audit logs that meet certain conditions


There are more filter plugins than Lua.audit_log.k8s, which only introduces filters that will discard logs.

Log Output Plugin

Output Plugin Plugin Description
es.kube.kubeevent.syslog Write Kubernetes audit logs, event logs, and syslog logs to ElasticSearch cluster
forward.audit_log Send Kubernetes audit logs and global management audit logs to Global Management
es.skoala Write request logs and instance logs of microservice gateway to ElasticSearch cluster
