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Openshift 4.x cluster compatibility test

✅: Test passed; ❌: Test failed.


The test features in the table are not comprehensive.

case Test method ocp4.10(k8s 1.23.0) Remarks
Collect and query web application metrics Manual
Add custom metric collection Manual
Query real-time metrics Manual
Instantaneous index query Manual
Instantaneous metric api field feature verification Manual
Query metrics over a period of time Manual
Query the API field feature verification of metrics within a period of time Manual
Batch query cluster CPU, memory usage, total cluster CPU, cluster memory usage, and total number of cluster nodes Manual
Batch query node CPU, memory usage, total node CPU, node memory usage Manual
Batch query cluster CPU, memory usage, total cluster CPU, cluster memory usage, and total number of cluster nodes within a period of time Manual
Batch query to query the feature verification of the index api field within a period of time Manual
Query Pod logs Manual
Query SVC logs Manual
Query statefulset logs Manual
Query Deployment logs Manual
Query NPD log Manual
Log Filtering Manual
Log fuzzy query-workloadSearch Manual
Log Fuzzy Query-podSearch Manual
Log Fuzzy Query-containerSearch Manual
Log precise query-cluster Manual
Log precise query-namespace Manual
Log query api field feature verification Manual
alert rules - addition, deletion, modification and query Manual
alert template - addition, deletion, modification and query Manual
Notification method - addition, deletion, modification and query Manual
Link Search Manual
Topology query Manual
