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The DCE 5.0 platform realizes the management of multicloud and multicluster, and supports the creation of clusters. On this basis, Insight, as a multicluster unified observation solution, realizes the collection of multicluster observation data by deploying the insight-agent plug-in, and supports the realization of metrics, logs, and trace data through DCE 5.0 observability products. Inquire.

insight-agent is a tool for observability to realize multicluster data collection. After installation, it can realize automatic collection of metrics, logs and trace data without any modification.

The cluster created through container management will install insight-agent by default, so here only provides guidance on how to enable the observation capability of the connected cluster.

Insight is a unified observation platform for multiple clusters. The resource consumption of some of its components is closely related to the data of the created cluster and the number of connected clusters. When installing insight-agent, the resources of the corresponding components need to be adjusted according to the size of the cluster.

  1. Adjust the CPU and memory of the acquisition component Prometheus in insight-agent according to the scale of the created cluster or the scale of the access cluster, please refer to: Prometheus resource planning

  2. Since the index data of multiple clusters will be stored uniformly, the DCE 5.0 platform administrator needs to adjust the vmstorage disk according to the scale of the created cluster and the scale of the access cluster. Please refer to: vmstorage disk capacity planning.

  3. How to adjust the vmstorage disk, please refer to: vmstorge disk expansion.

Since DCE 5.0 supports the management of multicloud and multiclusters, insight-agent has also completed part of the verification. Due to the conflict of monitoring components, there will be problems installing insight-agent in DCE 4.0 clusters and Openshift 4.x clusters. If you encounter For the same problem, please refer to the following documents:

At present, the collection component insight-agent has completed some functional tests on the current mainstream Kubernetes version, please refer to:
