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GPU Monitoring Metrics

This page lists some commonly used GPU monitoring metrics.

Cluster Dimension

Name Description Metric Table Style
Total GPU The total number of GPU cards in the cluster, including MIG instances that are counted as individual physical cards count(DCGM_FI_DEV_COUNT{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\))}" Numeric
GPU Avg Utilization The average utilization of all GPU cards in the cluster avg(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)[29s]))}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Avg Utilization (Only MIG Enabled) The average utilization of all GPU cards in the cluster when MIG feature is enabled avg(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)[29s]))}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Avg Memory Utilization The average memory utilization of all GPU cards in the cluster sum(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)", gpu="\({gpu}"}[29s])) / sum(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\)cluster",node="\({node}", gpu=~"\) + DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_FREE{cluster="}"\(cluster",node=~"\) [29s])) * 100}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Power Usage The power usage of all GPU cards in the cluster DCGM_FI_DEV_POWER_USAGE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Bar Chart
GPU Temperature The temperature of all GPU cards in the cluster DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_TEMP{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Bar Chart
GPU Utilization Details Utilization details of all GPU cards in the cluster within 24 hours (including max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart
GPU Utilization Details (Only MIG Enabled) Utilization details of all GPU cards in the cluster within 24 hours when MIG feature is enabled (including max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\) * 100}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart
GPU Memory Used Details Memory usage details of all GPU cards in the cluster within 24 hours (including min, max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart
GPU Memory Copy Utilization The memory copy utilization of all GPU cards in the cluster DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart

Node Dimension

Name Description Metric Table Style
Total GPU The total number of GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster, including MIG instances that are counted as individual physical cards count(DCGM_FI_DEV_COUNT{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\))}" Numeric
GPU Mode The mode of GPU cards on a specific node, including Whole GPU mode, MIG mode, vGPU mode topk(1,DCGM_FI_DEV_MIG_MODE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)node"}) Text
GPU Avg Utilization The average utilization of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster avg(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)[29s]))}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Avg Utilization (Only MIG Enabled) The average utilization of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster when MIG feature is enabled avg(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)[29s] * 100))}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Avg Memory Utilization The average memory utilization of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster sum(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)", gpu="\({gpu}"}[29s])) / sum(max_over_time(DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\)cluster",node="\({node}", gpu=~"\) + DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_FREE{cluster="}"\(cluster",node=~"\) [29s])) * 100}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Numeric
GPU Driver Version The version information of GPU card drivers on a specific node DCGM_FI_DEV_MIG_MODE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)node",gpu=~"$gpu"} {{modelName}} Text
GPU Specifications The specifications of GPU cards on a specific node DCGM_FI_DEV_MIG_MODE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)node",gpu=~"$gpu"} Table
GPU Utilization Details Utilization details of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster within 24 hours (including max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart
GPU Utilization Details (Only MIG Enabled) Utilization details of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster within 24 hours when MIG feature is enabled (including max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\) * 100}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart
GPU Memory Used Details Memory usage details of all GPU cards on a specific node in the cluster within 24 hours (including min, max, avg, current) DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",node=~"\)}", gpu=~"${gpu}" Line Chart

Workload Dimension

Dimension Name Description Metric Chart Style
Application Overview Pod GPU Utilization The ratio of GPU cards currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod GPU Utilization (Only MIG Enabled) The ratio of GPU cards currently used by the Pod when MIG feature is enabled DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} * 100 Line chart
Application Overview Pod GPU Utilization (vGPU) The ratio of GPU cards currently used by the Pod when vGPU feature is enabled vGPUCorePercentage{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",podname="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod GPU Memory Utilization The ratio of GPU memory currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod GPU Memory Utilization (vGPU) The ratio of GPU memory currently used by the Pod in vGPU mode vGPUMemoryPercentage{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",podname="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod Memory Usage The memory usage of GPU cards currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod Memory Usage (vGPU) The memory usage of GPU cards currently used by the Pod in vGPU mode sum(GPUDeviceMemoryLimit{cluster="\(cluster"}) * vGPUMemoryPercentage{cluster="\)cluster",exported_namespace="\(namespace",podname="\)pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod GPU Memory Copy Utilization The ratio of GPU memory copy currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} Line chart
Application Overview Pod Decode Utilization The ratio of GPU decode engine currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_DEC_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} -
Application Overview Pod Encode Utilization The ratio of GPU encode engine currently used by the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_ENC_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster",exported_namespace="\)namespace",exported_pod="$pod"} -
GPU Card - Compute & Memory GPU Utilization Details Usage details (max, avg, current) of GPU cards associated with the Pod in the last 24 hours DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Compute & Memory GPU Utilization Details (Only MIG Enabled) Usage details (max, avg, current) of GPU cards associated with the Pod when MIG feature is enabled in the last 24 hours DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Compute & Memory GPU Memory Used Details Memory usage details (min, max, avg, current) of GPU cards associated with the Pod in the last 24 hours DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USED{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Time-based line chart
GPU Card - Compute & Memory GPU Memory Copy Utilization Memory copy utilization of GPU cards associated with the Pod DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU Graphics Engine Active The ratio of time the Graphics or Compute engine is active within a monitoring period DCGM_FI_PROF_GR_ENGINE_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU DRAM Active Memory bandwidth utilization DCGM_FI_PROF_DRAM_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU Tensor Core Engine Active The ratio of time the Tensor Core pipeline is active within a monitoring period DCGM_FI_PROF_PIPE_TENSOR_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU FP16 Engine Active The ratio of time the FP16 pipeline is active within a monitoring period DCGM_FI_PROF_PIPE_FP16_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU FP32 Engine Active The ratio of time the FP32 pipeline is active within a monitoring period DCGM_FI_PROF_PIPE_FP32_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU FP64 Engine Active The ratio of time the FP64 pipeline is active within a monitoring period DCGM_FI_PROF_PIPE_FP64_ACTIVE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\) * 100}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU Decode Utilization The ratio of GPU decode engine utilization DCGM_FI_DEV_DEC_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Engine Overview GPU Encode Utilization The ratio of GPU encode engine utilization DCGM_FI_DEV_ENC_UTIL{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power GPU Temperature Temperature of all GPU cards in the cluster DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_TEMP{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Bar chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power GPU Power Usage Power usage of all GPU cards in the cluster DCGM_FI_DEV_POWER_USAGE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\)}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Bar chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power GPU Total Energy Consumption Total energy consumption of GPU cards sum(DCGM_FI_DEV_POWER_USAGE{cluster="\(cluster", UUID="\))}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power GPU Memory Clock Memory clock frequency DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_CLOCK{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\) * 1000 * 1000}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power GPU APP SM Clock Application SM clock frequency DCGM_FI_DEV_APP_SM_CLOCK{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\) * 1000 * 1000}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}" Line chart
GPU Card - Temperature & Power Consumption GPU Card Application Memory Frequency GPU APP Memory Clock Application Memory Frequency DCGM_FI_DEV_APP_MEM_CLOCK{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\) * 1000 * 1000}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}"
GPU Card - Temperature & Power Consumption GPU Card Video Engine Frequency GPU Video Clock Video Engine Frequency DCGM_FI_DEV_VIDEO_CLOCK{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\) * 1000 * 1000}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}"
GPU Card - Temperature & Power Consumption GPU Card Throttling Reasons GPU-Clock Throttle Reasons Throttling Reasons __DCGM_FI_DEV_CLOCK_THROTTLE_REASONS{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\) __}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}"
GPU Card - Other Details PCIe Transfer Rate PCIE TX BYTES Data transfer rate of the node GPU card via PCIe bus. rate(DCGM_FI_PROF_PCIE_RX_BYTES{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\)[1m])}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}"
GPU Card - Other Details PCIe Receive Rate PCIE RX BYTES Data receive rate of the node GPU card via PCIe bus. rate(DCGM_FI_PROF_PCIE_TX_BYTES{cluster="\(cluster",UUID="\)[1m])}",GPU_I_ID=~"${gpu_i_id}"
