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Other Issues

Error Encountered when Creating Database with CR

The database is running normally, but an error occurs when creating a database using CR. This issue can be caused by the presence of special characters in the mysql root password.


  1. Retrieve and view the original password:

    [root@master-01 ~]$ kubectl get secret -n mcamel-system mcamel-common-mysql-cluster-secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.ROOT_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
  2. If the password contains special characters such as - , attempting to enter the original password in MySQL Shell will result in the following error:

    bash-4.4# mysql -uroot -p
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  3. To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:

    • Method 1: Clean up and rebuild:

      • Clear the data directory by deleting the Pod. Wait for the sidecar to be running, then delete the data directory again and finally delete the Pod:

        [root@master-01 ~]# kubectl exec -it mcamel-common-mysql-cluster-mysql-1 -n mcamel-system -c sidecar -- /bin/sh
        sh-4.4# cd /var/lib/mysql
        sh-4.4# ls | xargs rm -rf
    • Method 2: Delete the PVC first, then delete the Pod to restore functionality:

      kubectl delete pvc data-mcamel-common-mysql-cluster-mysql-1 -n mcamel-system
      kubectl delete pod mcamel-common-mysql-cluster-mysql-1 -n mcamel-system
