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Installing sriov-network-operator

This page describes how to install sriov-network-operator.


To use sriov-network-operator within a DCE 5.0 cluster, it is recommended to install Spiderpool. Please refer to the Install Spiderpool guide.

Installation Steps

Ensure that your cluster is successfully connected to the Container Management platform, then follow these steps to install sriov-network-operator.

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Container Management -> Clusters and locate the name of the cluster where you want to install sriov-network-operator.

  2. In the left navigation pane, select Helm App -> Helm Charts and find the sriov-network-operator chart.

  3. Select the desired version in the Version Selection and click Install.

  4. On the installation page, fill in the required installation parameters.

    Parameter explanations for the above screenshots:

    • Namespace: The namespace in which to deploy the sriov-network-operator components. The default value is kube-system.
    • Images -> Registry: Set the repository address for all images. The default online registry is already provided. If you are using a private environment, you can modify it with your own registry.
    • Images -> Operator -> Repository: Set the image name for the Operator. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> Operator -> Tag: Set the image version for the Operator. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> SriovCni -> Repository: Set the image name for SriovCni. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> SriovCni -> Tag: Set the image version for SriovCni. The default value can be kept.

    Parameter explanations for the above screenshot:

    • Images -> SriovConfigDaemon -> Repository: Set the image name for SriovConfigDaemon. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> SriovConfigDaemon -> Tag: Set the image version for SriovConfigDaemon. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> SriovDevicePlugin -> Repository: Set the image name for SriovDevicePlugin. The default value can be kept.
    • Images -> SriovDevicePlugin -> Tag: Set the image version for SriovDevicePlugin. The default value can be kept.
    • Operator -> Resource Prefix: SRIOV network device plugin endpoint resource prefix.
    • SriovNetworkNodePolicy -> Name: Name of the SRIOV network node policy.

    Parameter explanations for the above screenshot:

    • pfNames: List of Physical Function (PF) names for SR-IOV.
    • pfNames -> numVfs: Number of Virtual Functions (VFs) per Physical Function (PF).
    • pfNames -> resourceName: Resource name of the SRIOV network device plugin endpoint.
    • NodeSelector -> labelKey: Key of the NodeSelector label.
    • NodeSelector -> labelValue: Value of the NodeSelector label.
  5. Click the OK button at the bottom right to complete the installation.
