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Offline Upgrade

Components of DCE 5.0 are loosely coupled and can be installed/upgraded independently. This guide is intended for upgrading DaoCloud Microservice Engine (DME) after installing it with the offline mode.

Synch Image

After downloading the image to your local node, you need to sync the latest image version to your container registry via chart-syncer or a container runtime. chart-syncer is more recommended for its efficiency and convenience.

Sync with chart-syncer

  1. Create load-image.yaml as the chart-syncer profile

    All parameters in the load-image.yaml file are mandatory. You need a private container registry and modify configurations as described below. See Official Doc for a detailed explanation of the chart-syncer profile.

    If chart repo is already install, use the following configuration to synchronize the image directly.

      intermediateBundlesPath: skoala-offline # Relative path to executing chart-syncer command, **not** the relative path between
      containerRegistry: # Change to your container registry url
      containerRepository: # Change to your container registry
        kind: HARBOR # Can be any of the supported Helm Chart registries
        url: # Change to chart repo url
          username: "admin" # Your container registry username
          password: "Harbor12345" # Your container registry password
          username: "admin" # Your container registry username
          password: "Harbor12345" # Your image vault password

    Chart-syncer also supports exporting a chart as a tgz file in a specified path if chart repo is not installed.

      intermediateBundlesPath: skoala-offline # (1)
      containerRegistry: # (2)
      containerRepository: # (3)
        kind: LOCAL
        path: ./local-repo # (4)
          username: "admin" # (5)
          password: "Harbor12345" # (6)
    1. Relative path to executing chart-syncer command, not the relative path between this YAML file and the offline package
    2. Change to your container registry url
    3. Change to your container registry
    4. chart local path
    5. Your container registry username
    6. Your image vault password
  2. Run this command to sync the image.

    charts-syncer sync --config load-image.yaml

Sync with Docker/containerd

  1. Decompress the tar package.

    tar xvf skoala.bundle.tar

    After the decompression, you will get 3 files:

    • hints.yaml
    • images.tar
    • original-chart
  2. Load the image from local to a Docker or containerd.

    docker load -i images.tar
    ctr -n image import images.tar


  • The image needs to be loaded via Docker or containerd to each node.
  • After the loading is complete, you should tag the image to keep version consistency.

Start Upgrade

After the image is synced, you can start upgrading DME.

  1. Check if the helm repository of DME exists. skoala is the internal code for DME.

    helm repo list | grep skoala

    If nothing is returned or the following information is displayed, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, skip the next step.

    Error: no repositories to show
  2. Add DME's helm repository.

    helm repo add skoala-release http://{harbor url}/chartrepo/{project}
  3. Update DME'S helm repository.

    helm repo update skoala-release # (1)
    1. If the helm version is outdated, it will fail. If it fails, try helm update repo command
  4. Select the version of DME you want to install (the latest version is recommended).

    helm search repo skoala-release/skoala --versions
    [root@master ~]# helm search repo skoala-release/skoala --versions
    skoala-release/skoala  0.14.0          v0.14.0       A Helm chart for Skoala
  5. Backup --set parameters.

    Before upgrading DME, it is recommended to run the following command to back up the --set parameters of the previous version.

    helm get values skoala -n skoala-system -o yaml > bak.yaml
  6. Run helm upgrade.

    Before upgrading, it is recommended to override the global.imageRegistry field in bak.yaml as the address of the container registry currently in use.

    export imageRegistry={your image repo}
    helm upgrade skoala skoala-release/skoala \
    -n skoala-system \
    -f ./bak.yaml \
    --set global.imageRegistry=$imageRegistry
    --version 0.14.0
  1. Backup --set parameters.

    Before upgrading DME, it is recommended to run the following command to back up the --set parameter of the old version.

    helm get values skoala -n skoala-system -o yaml > bak.yaml
  2. Run the helm upgrade command.

    Before upgrading, it is recommended that you override global.imageRegistry in bak.yaml as the address of the container registry currently in use.

    export imageRegistry={your image repo}
    helm upgrade skoala . \
    -n skoala-system \
    -f ./bak.yaml \
    --set global.imageRegistry=$imageRegistry
