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Component monitoring

The Microservice engine provides a full range of Grafana monitoring capabilities covering various microservices, system components, and service invocation traces. Among them, the component monitoring feature can provide monitoring information for Nacos and Sentinel, including the number of nodes, the number of services, CPU/ memory consumption, the number of JVM threads, the total time of http requests and other dimensions.

To view component monitoring, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Microservices Engine module and click the name of the target registry.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Monitoring -> Components .

  3. Click the Naocs Instances Tab to view the Nacos instance monitoring information.

    On the drop-down list page, you can view the statistics about request time and request counts.

  4. Click the Sentinel Instances Tab to view the Sentinel instance monitoring information.

    On the drop-down list page, you can view the statistics about request time and request counts.

Component Monitoring Metrics Explanation

Nacos Instance

Metric Meaning
Nodes Number of Nacos nodes
Services Total number of services registered in Nacos
IP Count Number of service instances registered in Nacos
Configurations Total number of configurations in Nacos
Config Connections Number of long-lived connections established and maintained between Nacos instances and servers
Read Configs Statistics on the number of read operations performed on configurations
CPU CPU usage of Nacos instances
Memory Memory usage of Nacos instances
JVM Threads Number of threads running in the JVM of Nacos instances
System Load System load of Nacos
Config Notify Time Time taken to notify all clients subscribed to a configuration when a change is made
HTTP Request Time Total time taken to process an HTTP request, including sending the request, server processing, and response
HTTP Requests Total number of HTTP requests sent by clients to Nacos servers
Average Push Time Average time taken to push service information to all clients subscribed to the service in Nacos registration
Config Connections Number of long-lived connections established and maintained between Nacos instances and servers
System Load System load of Nacos
HTTP Requests Number of HTTP requests sent by clients to Nacos servers within a specific time period
Role Status Role status information of nodes in Nacos servers
Average Push Time Average time taken to push service information to all clients subscribed to the service in Nacos registration
Maximum Push Time Maximum time taken to push service information to all clients subscribed to the service in Nacos registration
Read/Write Configs Statistics and records of read and write operations on configurations in Nacos system
Health Check Health check of Nacos services

Sentinel Instance

Metric Meaning
Process Uptime Uptime of the Sentinel instance
Process Start Time Start time of the Sentinel instance
Heap Memory Usage Percentage of allocated and used heap memory
Non-Heap Memory Usage Percentage of allocated and used non-heap memory
QPS (Average 1 min) QPS (Queries Per Second) of Sentinel
Error Count (Average 1 min) Number of errors (5xx status codes) per minute in Sentinel
Request RT (Average 1 min) Request response time (5xx status codes) per minute in Sentinel
Saturation Number of busy threads currently processing requests in the Tomcat server
CPU Usage CPU usage of the system
Load System load
Thread Count Number of threads
Thread States Statistics of threads in different states
Logback Log Count Number of Logback logs
File Descriptors File descriptors
Heap Memory Heap memory
Non-Heap Memory Non-heap memory
Total Memory Total memory
JVM Process Memory JVM process memory
Eden Space Eden space
Survivor Space Survivor space
Tenured Gen Tenured generation
Metaspace Metaspace
Compressed Class Space Compressed class space
Code Cache Code cache
Direct Buffers Direct buffers
Mapped Buffers Mapped buffers
GC Count Rate of change in JVM garbage collection pauses
GC Pause Time Duration of JVM garbage collection pauses
Memory Allocation/ Promotion Rate of change in allocated memory bytes / rate of change in promoted memory bytes by JVM
Loaded Class Count Number of currently loaded classes
Loaded Class Count Delta Incremental change in loaded class count
