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Volume Expansion

HwameiStor supports CSI volume expansion. This feature implements online volume expansion by modifying the size of PVC.

In the example below, we expand the PVC data-sts-mysql-local-0 from 1GiB to 2GiB.

Current PVC/PV size:

kubectl get pvc data-sts-mysql-local-0
NAME                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                 AGE
data-sts-mysql-local-0   Bound    pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8   1Gi        RWO            hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd   85m
kubectl get pv pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                            STORAGECLASS                 REASON   AGE
pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/data-sts-mysql-local-0   hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd            85m

Check whether StorageClass uses the parameter allowVolumeExpansion: true

kubectl get pvc data-sts-mysql-local-0 -o jsonpath='{.spec.storageClassName}'
kubectl get sc hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd -o jsonpath='{.allowVolumeExpansion}'

Modify the size of PVC

kubectl get edit pvc data-sts-mysql-local-0
      storage: 2Gi

Observe the expansion process

The more capacity you add, the longer it will take to expand. You can observe the entire expansion process in the event log of PVC.

kubectl describe pvc data-sts-mysql-local-0
  Type     Reason                      Age                From                                Message
  ----     ------                      ----               ----                                -------
  Warning  ExternalExpanding           34s                volume_expand                       Ignoring the PVC: didn't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
  Warning  VolumeResizeFailed          33s                external-resizer  resize volume "pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8" by resizer "" failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = volume expansion not completed yet
  Normal   Resizing                    32s (x2 over 33s)  external-resizer  External resizer is resizing volume pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8
  Normal   FileSystemResizeRequired    32s                external-resizer  Require file system resize of volume on node
  Normal   FileSystemResizeSuccessful  11s                kubelet                             MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8" k8s-worker-3

Observe the PVC/PV after the expansion is completed

kubectl get pvc data-sts-mysql-local-0
NAME                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                 AGE
data-sts-mysql-local-0   Bound    pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8   2Gi        RWO            hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd   96m
kubectl get pv pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                            STORAGECLASS                 REASON   AGE
pvc-b9fc8651-97b8-414c-8bcf-c8d2708c4ee8   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/data-sts-mysql-local-0   hwameistor-storage-lvm-hdd            96m

Automatic volume expansion

The component hwameistor-pvc-autoresizer provides the capability for automatic expansion of PVC. The expansion behavior is controlled through the CRD called ResizePolicy.


Here is a CR example:

kind: ResizePolicy
  name: resizepolicy1
  warningThreshold: 60
  resizeThreshold: 80
  nodePoolUsageLimit: 90

The three int type fields warningThreshold, resizeThreshold, and nodePoolUsageLimit represent propotion rate.

  • warningThreshold: Not associated with any warning actions currently, it serves as a target ratio. After the expansion, the volume utilization will be below this ratio.
  • resizeThreshold: Indicating a utilization ratio. When the volume utilization reaches this ratio, the expansion action is triggered.
  • nodePoolUsageLimit: Representing the upper limit of the node storage pool utilization. If the utilization of a pool reaches this ratio, volumes in this pool will not automatically expand.

Matching rules

Here is a CR example with a label selector:

kind: ResizePolicy
  name: example-policy
  warningThreshold: 60
  resizeThreshold: 80
  nodePoolUsageLimit: 90
      pvc-resize: auto
      pvc-resize: auto
      pvc-resize: auto

The ResizePolicy has three label-selector:

  • pvcSelector: PVC selected by this selector will automatically expand according to the policy that selects them.
  • namespaceSelector: PVC in the namespace selected by this selector will automatically expand according to this policy.
  • storageClassSelector: PVC created from the storageclass selected by this selector will automatically expand according to this policy.

These three selectors have an "AND" relationship. If you specify multiple selectors in ResizePolicy, PVC that satisfy all selectors will match this policy. If no selectors are specified in the ResizePolicy, it is a cluster-wide ResizePolicy, acting as the default policy for all PVC in the entire cluster.
