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"DaoCloud" relies on years of leading experience in the cloud-native field, and the newly developed application workbench has the following product advantages:

  • Enterprise CI/CD

    Continuous development and continuous delivery using centrally managed containerized workflows that support horizontal scaling to support thousands of concurrent users and pipelines in a high availability (HA) environment.

  • Cloud native as the base

    The application workbench implements containerized management of the application build environment, customizes resources such as build machines, ensures pipeline-level resource isolation, and supports multiple types of application deployment, making the delivery of cloud-native applications easier.

  • Improve R&D efficiency

    In the visual pipeline construction environment, declarative steps are pre-packaged, and complex pipelines can be created without scripting, and the operation is simple. The environment can be automatically created/destroyed according to the resource size to avoid resource waste.

  • Grayscale release

    Help users update applications incrementally, so as to ensure the smooth launch of new features. Supports application release strategies such as canary deployment and blue-green deployment.

    If the publishing policy of an application is configured as ABTest, and its A version access traffic is 80%, and B version access traffic is 20%, then it will be able to continuously access the two versions of the application after the gray scale release, and easily calculate the different versions of the application. split ratio.

  • GitOps

    Provides Kubernetes-based declarative GitOps continuous delivery capabilities, and controls applications through versions to achieve automated application deployment and lifecycle management.

  • Pipeline as Code

    The declarative (syntax)-based pipeline is easy to learn, the syntax of different steps is standardized, and its configuration is version-controllable, modular, reusable, and declarative.

  • Comprehensive integration

    Integrate popular DevOps tools in the community. The steps in a single pipeline can run on multiple operating systems and multi-architecture nodes. It supports independent deployment on public clouds, private clouds or hosts, and can well integrate the company's own systems and platforms. . Supports the integration of mainstream software in the industry, such as Kubernetes, GitLab, SonarQube, Harbor, etc.

  • Years of industry precipitation

    Working in the cloud native field for many years, hundreds of companies in finance, e-commerce, manufacturing and other industries have large-scale practical experience, can provide a stable and reliable IT delivery production line, and help companies build an integrated platform suitable for R&D and operation.
