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Manage your Git Repository

The Workbench supports the import of external repositories and provides basic management capabilities for the imported repositories.

Enable the Repository Navigation Menu

By default, after deploying the Workbench, the repository is hidden in the navigation bar. You can enable this feature by modifying the configuration file.

  1. In Container Management, select the global service cluster, and search for amamba-config in the ConfigMaps .

  2. Click Edit YAML and modify featureGates to include Gitlab=true.

  3. After successfully modifying, search for amamba-apiserver in the deployment, and click Restart .

  4. Once the restart is successful, go to the Workbench and you will see the repository navigation menu.

Create a Branch

The Workbench has already imported a repository and bound it to the current workspace.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Repository .

  2. In the repository list, select a repository to enter the details page.

  3. Under the Branch tab, click Create Branch .

  4. Fill in the related arguments, branch name, and source, then click OK .

  5. The system will return to the branch list and display a success message. You can click the right-side to perform more operations.

Create a Tag

  1. Under the Tag tab, click Create Tag.

  2. Fill in the related arguments, tag name, source, and description, then click OK .

  3. The system will automatically return to the tag list, and the newly created tag will appear in the list.
