Jenkins Delivers Application to Virtual Machine¶
This document focuses on how Jenkins can deliver applications to a virtual machine. The process involves pulling code through the pipeline, testing, compiling, generating a package (such as a jar file), copying the installation package to the specified location on the corresponding server via scp or other tools, and replacing the old version of the package by executing commands or scripts remotely.
Prepare the image for pipeline execution
Since the pipeline needs to copy the package to the server where the application is located, tools such as
, andsshpass
are required. However, these tools are not installed in the default build image provided by the platform, so manual construction is needed.Refer to Using Custom Toolchain in Jenkins for installation instructions.
Go to Workbench -> Pipelines -> Credentials, and create a credential of Access Token for the virtual machine
Go to Workbench -> Pipelines -> Pipelines, and create a pipeline
The pipeline steps are: pull code -> code build -> deploy application. Below is an example that omits the code build step:
pipeline { agent { kubernetes { inheritFrom 'base' yaml ''' spec: containers: - name: ssh image: your-custom-tooling-image command: - cat ''' defaultContainer 'ssh' } } stages { stage('clone') { agent none steps { container('ssh') { git(branch: 'main', credentialsId: 'gitsecret1', url: '***/***.git') } } } stages { stage('build') { agent none steps { container('ssh') { sh 'build command' } } } stage('deploy') { agent none steps { container('base') { withCredentials([string(credentialsId:'sshpasswd',variable:'sshpasswd')]) { sh '''sshpass -p $sshpasswd ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ mv -f /usr/share/nginx/html/* /tmp sshpass -p $sshpasswd scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./* root@ sshpass -p $sshpasswd ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ nginx -s reload''' } } } } } }
After successful creation, run the pipeline.