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System Built-in Environment Variables

During the execution of a pipeline, you might need some system-built environment variables to use while the pipeline is running. The table below lists the currently default environment variables provided by the system. For more details, refer to the Environment Variable Reference Documentation.

Variable Name Default Value Description
NODE_NAME base-1rcgq The name of the pod currently executing the build
POD_CONTAINER {container_name} The name of the container currently used for the build
NODE_LABELS base base-1rcgq List of labels assigned to the build node
WORKSPACE /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/{workspace_id}/{pipeline_name} The absolute path of the directory allocated as a workspace for the build
JENKINS_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/ The URL of Jenkins
BUILD_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/ The URL of this pipeline build record
JOB_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name} The URL of this pipeline
RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect?page
RUN_ARTIFACTS_DISPLAY_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect?page
RUN_TESTS_DISPLAY_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/2/job/loooooong-log/12/display/redirect?page
JOB_DISPLAY_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/2/job/loooooong-log/display/redirect
RUN_DISPLAY_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/job/{workspace_id}/job/{pipeline_name}/{build_id}/display/redirect
HUDSON_URL http://amamba-jenkins-jenkins:80/
JENKINS_HOME /var/jenkins_home The absolute path of the directory where Jenkins stores data
JOB_NAME {workspace_id}/{pipeline_name} The name of the pipeline
JOB_BASE_NAME {pipeline_name} The short name of the pipeline, omitting the workspace ID
BUILD_ID {build_id} The current build record ID
BUILD_NUMBER {build_number} The current build record version
BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME #{build_id} The display name of the current build record
GIT_BRANCH Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch
GIT_URL Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch
GIT_COMMIT Present when the pipeline is created based on a repository Jenkinsfile or multi-branch
BRANCH_NAME Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
TAG_TIMESTAMP Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
TAG_UNIXTIME Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
TAG_DATE Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
TAG_NAME Present when the pipeline is created based on a multi-branch
