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Fine-tune the ChatGLM3 Model by Using Intelligent Engine

This page uses the ChatGLM3 model as an example to demonstrate how to use LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) to fine-tune the ChatGLM3 model within the DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine environment. The demo program is from the ChatGLM3 official example.

The general process of fine-tuning is as follows:

Environment Requirements

  • GPU with at least 20GB memory, recommended RTX4090 or NVIDIA A/H series
  • At least 200GB of available disk space
  • At least 8-core CPU, recommended 16-core
  • 64GB RAM, recommended 128GB


Before starting, ensure DCE 5.0 and Intelligent Engine are correctly installed, GPU queue resources are successfully initialized, and computing resources are sufficient.

Prepare Data

Utilize the dataset management feature provided by DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine to quickly preheat and persist the data required for fine-tuning large models, reducing GPU resource occupation due to data preparation, and improving resource utilization efficiency.

Create the required data resources on the dataset list page. These resources include the ChatGLM3 code and data files, all of which can be managed uniformly through the dataset list.

Code and Model Files

ChatGLM3 is a dialogue pre-training model jointly released by and Tsinghua University KEG Lab.

First, pull the ChatGLM3 code repository and download the pre-training model for subsequent fine-tuning tasks.

DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine will automatically preheat the data in the background to ensure quick data access for subsequent tasks.

AdvertiseGen Dataset

Domestic data can be directly obtained from Tsinghua Cloud using the HTTP data source method.

After creation, wait for the dataset to be preheated, which is usually quick and depends on your network conditions.

Fine-tune Output Data

You also need to prepare an empty dataset to store the model files output after the fine-tuning task is completed. Here, create an empty dataset, using PVC as an example.


Ensure to use a storage type that supports ReadWriteMany to allow quick access to resources for subsequent tasks.

Set up Environment

For model developers, preparing the Python environment dependencies required for model development is crucial. Traditionally, environment dependencies are either packaged directly into the development tool's image or installed in the local environment, which can lead to inconsistency in environment dependencies and difficulties in managing and updating dependencies.

DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine provides environment management capabilities, decoupling Python environment dependency package management from development tools and task images, solving dependency management chaos and environment inconsistency issues.

Here, use the environment management feature provided by DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine to create the environment required for ChatGLM3 fine-tuning for subsequent use.


  1. The ChatGLM repository contains a requirements.txt file that includes the environment dependencies required for ChatGLM3 fine-tuning.
  2. This fine-tuning does not use the deepspeed and mpi4py packages. It is recommended to comment them out in the requirements.txt file to avoid compilation failures.

In the environment management list, you can quickly create a Python environment and complete the environment creation through a simple form configuration; a Python 3.11.x environment is required here.

Since CUDA is required for this experiment, GPU resources need to be configured here to preheat the necessary resource dependencies.

Creating the environment involves downloading a series of Python dependencies, and download speeds may vary based on your location. Using a domestic mirror for acceleration can speed up the download.

Use Notebook as IDE

DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine provides Notebook as an IDE feature, allowing users to write, run, and view code results directly in the browser. This is very suitable for development in data analysis, machine learning, and deep learning fields.

You can use the JupyterLab Notebook provided by Intelligent Engine for the ChatGLM3 fine-tuning task.

Create JupyterLab Notebook

In the Notebook list, you can create a Notebook according to the page operation guide. Note that you need to configure the corresponding Notebook resource parameters according to the resource requirements mentioned earlier to avoid resource issues affecting the fine-tuning process.


When creating a Notebook, you can directly mount the preloaded model code dataset and environment, greatly saving data preparation time.

Mount Dataset and Code

Note: The ChatGLM3 code files are mounted to the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3 directory, and you also need to mount the AdvertiseGen dataset to the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/data/AdvertiseGen directory to allow the fine-tuning task to access the data.

Mount PVC to Model Output Folder

The model output location used this time is the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/output directory. You can mount the previously created PVC dataset to this directory, so the trained model can be saved to the dataset for subsequent inference tasks.

After creation, you can see the Notebook interface where you can write, run, and view code results directly in the Notebook.

Fine-tune ChatGLM3

Once in the Notebook, you can find the previously mounted dataset and code in the File Browser option in the Notebook sidebar. Locate the ChatGLM3 folder.

You will find the fine-tuning code for ChatGLM3 in the finetune_demo folder. Open the lora_finetune.ipynb file, which contains the fine-tuning code for ChatGLM3.

First, follow the instructions in the file to understand the entire fine-tuning process. It is recommended to read it thoroughly to ensure that the basic environment dependencies and data preparation work are completed.

Open the terminal and use conda to switch to the preheated environment, ensuring consistency with the JupyterLab Kernel for subsequent code execution.

Preprocess Data

First, preprocess the AdvertiseGen dataset, standardizing the data to meet the Lora pre-training format requirements. Save the processed data to the AdvertiseGen_fix folder.

import json
from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path

def _resolve_path(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path:
    return Path(path).expanduser().resolve()

def _mkdir(dir_name: Union[str, Path]):
    dir_name = _resolve_path(dir_name)
    if not dir_name.is_dir():
        dir_name.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)

def convert_adgen(data_dir: Union[str, Path], save_dir: Union[str, Path]):
    def _convert(in_file: Path, out_file: Path):
        with open(in_file, encoding='utf-8') as fin:
            with open(out_file, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
                for line in fin:
                    dct = json.loads(line)
                    sample = {'conversations': [{'role': 'user', 'content': dct['content']},
                                                {'role': 'assistant', 'content': dct['summary']}]}
                    fout.write(json.dumps(sample, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n')

    data_dir = _resolve_path(data_dir)
    save_dir = _resolve_path(save_dir)

    train_file = data_dir / 'train.json'
    if train_file is_file():
        out_file = save_dir / train_file.relative_to(data_dir)
        _convert(train_file, out_file)

    dev_file = data_dir / 'dev.json'
    if dev_file.is_file():
        out_file = save_dir / dev_file.relative_to(data_dir)
        _convert(dev_file, out_file)

convert_adgen('data/AdvertiseGen', 'data/AdvertiseGen_fix')

To save debugging time, you can reduce the number of entries in /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/data/AdvertiseGen_fix/dev.json to 50. The data is in JSON format, making it easy to process.

Local LoRA Fine-tuning Test

After preprocessing the data, you can proceed with the fine-tuning test. Configure the fine-tuning parameters in the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/configs/lora.yaml file. Key parameters to focus on include:

Open a new terminal window and use the following command for local fine-tuning testing. Ensure that the parameter configurations and paths are correct:

!CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 NCCL_P2P_DISABLE="1" NCCL_IB_DISABLE="1" python data/AdvertiseGen_fix ./chatglm3-6b configs/lora.yaml

In this command:

  • is the fine-tuning script in the ChatGLM3 code
  • data/AdvertiseGen_fix is your preprocessed dataset
  • ./chatglm3-6b is your pre-trained model path
  • configs/lora.yaml is the fine-tuning configuration file

During fine-tuning, you can use the nvidia-smi command to check GPU memory usage:

After fine-tuning is complete, an output directory will be generated in the finetune_demo directory, containing the fine-tuned model files. This way, the fine-tuned model files are saved to the previously created PVC dataset.

Submit Fine-tuning Tasks

After completing the local fine-tuning test and ensuring that your code and data are correct, you can submit the fine-tuning task to the Intelligent Engine for large-scale training and fine-tuning tasks.


This is the recommended model development and fine-tuning process: first, conduct local fine-tuning tests to ensure that the code and data are correct.

Submit Fine-tuning Tasks via UI

Use Pytorch to create a fine-tuning task. Select the resources of the cluster you need to use based on your actual situation. Ensure to meet the resource requirements mentioned earlier.

  • Image: You can directly use the model image provided by baizectl.
  • Startup command: Based on your experience using LoRA fine-tuning in the Notebook, the code files and data are in the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo directory, so you can directly use this path:

    bash -c "cd /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo && CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 NCCL_P2P_DISABLE="1" NCCL_IB_DISABLE="1" python data/AdvertiseGen_fix ./chatglm3-6b configs/lora.yaml"
  • Mount environment: This way, the preloaded environment dependencies can be used not only in the Notebook but also in the tasks.

  • Dataset: Use the preheated dataset
    • Set the model output path to the previously created PVC dataset
    • Mount the AdvertiseGen dataset to the /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/data/AdvertiseGen directory
  • Configure sufficient GPU resources to ensure the fine-tuning task runs smoothly

Check Task Status

After successfully submitting the task, you can view the training progress of the task in real-time in the task list. You can see the task status, resource usage, logs, and other information.

View task logs

After the task is completed, you can view the fine-tuned model files in the data output dataset for subsequent inference tasks.

Submit Tasks via baizectl

DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine's Notebook supports using the baizectl command-line tool without authentication. If you prefer using CLI, you can directly use the baizectl command-line tool to submit tasks.

baizectl job submit --name finetunel-chatglm3 -t PYTORCH \
    --image \
    --priority baize-high-priority \
    --resources cpu=8,memory=16Gi, \
    --workers 1 \
    --queue default \
    --working-dir /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3 \
    --datasets AdvertiseGen:/home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/data/AdvertiseGen  \
    --datasets output:/home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo/output  \
    --labels job_type=pytorch \
    --restart-policy on-failure \
    -- bash -c "cd /home/jovyan/ChatGLM3/finetune_demo && CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 NCCL_P2P_DISABLE="1" NCCL_IB_DISABLE="1" python data/AdvertiseGen_fix ./chatglm3-6b configs/lora.yaml"

For more information on using baizectl, refer to the baizectl Usage Documentation.

Model Inference

After completing the fine-tuning task, you can use the fine-tuned model for inference tasks. Here, you can use the inference service provided by Intelligent Engine to create an inference service with the output model.

In the inference service list, you can create a new inference service. When selecting the model, choose the previously output dataset and configure the model path.

Regarding model resource requirements and GPU resource requirements for inference services, configure them based on the model size and inference concurrency. Refer to the resource configuration of the previous fine-tuning tasks.

Configure Model Runtime

Configuring the model runtime is crucial. Currently, DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine supports vLLM as the model inference service runtime, which can be directly selected.


vLLM supports a wide range of large language models. Visit vLLM for more information. These models can be easily used within Intelligent Engine.

After creation, you can see the created inference service in the inference service list. The model service list allows you to get the model's access address directly.

Test the Model Service

Try using the curl command in the terminal to test the model service. Here, you can see the returned results, enabling you to use the model service for inference tasks.

curl -X POST \
  -d '{"text_input": "hello", "stream": false, "sampling_parameters": "{\"temperature\": 0.7, \"top_p\": 0.95, \'max_tokens\": 1024"}'

Wrap up

This page used ChatGLM3 as an example to quickly introduce and get you started with the Intelligent Engine for model fine-tuning, using LoRA to fine-tune the ChatGLM3 model.

DCE 5.0 Intelligent Engine provides a wealth of features to help model developers quickly conduct model development, fine-tuning, and inference tasks. It also offers rich OpenAPI interfaces, facilitating integration with third-party application ecosystems.
