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Automatic Shutdown of Idle Notebooks

To optimize resource usage, the smart computing system automatically shuts down idle notebooks after a period of inactivity. This helps free up resources when a notebook is not in use.

  • Advantages: This feature significantly reduces resource waste from long periods of inactivity, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Disadvantages: Without proper backup strategies in place, this may lead to potential data loss.


This feature is enabled by default at the cluster level, with a default timeout of 30 minutes.

Change Configurations

Currently, configuration changes must be made manually, but more convenient options will be available in the future.

To modify the deployment parameters of baize-agent in your worker cluster, update the Helm application.

Modify on UI

  1. In the clusters page, locate your worker cluster, go to its details, select Helm Apps, and find baize-agent under the baize-system namespace, Click Update on the upper right corner.


  2. Adjust YAML as shown below:


      culling_enabled: false
      cull_idle_time: 120
      idleness_check_period: 1
  3. After confirming the changes, click Next and OK .

Modify on CLI

In the console, use the helm upgrade command to change the configuration:

# Set version number
export VERSION=0.8.0

# Update Helm Chart 
helm upgrade --install baize-agent baize/baize-agent \
    --namespace baize-system \
    --create-namespace \
    --set \
    --set notebook-controller.culling_enabled=true \    # Enable automatic shutdown (default: true)
    --set notebook-controller.cull_idle_time=120 \      # Set idle timeout to 120 minutes (default: 30 minutes)
    --set notebook-controller.idleness_check_period=1 \ # Set check interval to 1 minute (default: 1 minute)


To prevent data loss after an automatic shutdown, upgrade to v0.8.0 or higher and enable the auto-save feature in your notebook configuration.
