Spiderpool is a Sandbox project of CNCF.
Spiderpool provides an underlay and RDMA network solution for Kubernetes, compatible with various runtime environments such as bare metal, virtual machines, and public clouds.
Spiderpool is a customized underlay and RDMA network solution for Kubernetes. It enhances the functionality of Macvlan CNI, ipvlan CNI, and SR-IOV CNI to meet diverse network requirements. It allows the underlay network solution to be applied in bare metal, virtual machine, and public cloud environments, providing excellent network performance for network I/O intensive and low-latency applications, including storage, middleware, AI, and more.
The key features of Spiderpool are as follows:
Refer to the Spiderpool Fixed IP Scenario Video and the blog of Spiderpool is Onboarding into CNCF Sandbox Projects.
Go to Spiderpool repo Go to Spiderpool website
Spiderpool is a CNCF Sandbox project.