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DCE 5.0-20240530 Enterprise Released

This page explains the latest features, improvements and bug fixes, included in DCE 5.0-20240530 Enterprise. DCE 5.0 modularizes each product module, and the versions included in this release are the default versions in the DCE 5.0 installer. If you need to independently upgrade or replace each module, please contact Daocloud's support team to download the proper versions and upgrade. Please also refer to DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements.

Included Modules

Category Module Version Compatible K8s Version
Installation Installer v0.18.0 K8s 1.24 - 1.29
Kubean v0.15.3 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
Workbench Workbench v0.27.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Container Container Management v0.28.1 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
Multicloud Management v0.19.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
Container Registry v0.18.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Network v0.15.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
HwameiStor v0.14.6 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
Virtual Machine v0.9.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.29
Insight Insight v0.27.0 K8s 1.19 - 1.29
Microservices Microservice Engine v0.37.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Service Mesh v0.26.0 K8s 1.21 - 1.29
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.20.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
MySQL v0.18.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
ElasticSearch v0.17.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Redis v0.18.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
MinIO v0.15.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
PostgreSQL v0.12.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
MongoDB v0.10.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Kafka v0.14.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
RocketMQ v0.7.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Cloud Native AI Intelligent Engine v0.5.0 K8s 1.25 - 1.29
Edge Computing Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.11.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Management Global Management v0.27.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.29
Operations Management v0.6.2 K8s 1.23 - 1.29

Features and Improvements

Detailed feature descriptions are reflected in the Release Notes of each version in the table above. Here are some brief descriptions of new features and improvements.

Installer v0.18.0

  • Improved default K8s version to v1.28.9
  • Improved support for Ubuntu 22.04

Workbench v0.27.0

  • Added support for creating SSH type credentials
  • Improved support for operations related to natively created rollouts

Container Management v0.28.1

  • Added GPU monitoring panel now supports compute utilization metrics
  • Added optional setting for whether to use egress when connecting clusters

Kubean v0.15.3

  • Improved support for multi-architecture Ubuntu ospackages

Container Network v0.15.0

  • Added backend v0.9.3
  • Fixed incorrect pointer value comparison in ListMultusCniConfig API and the issue where sriov was incorrectly written as ipvlan in the judgment

HwameiStor v0.14.6

  • Improved LVR can detect taints
  • Fixed concurrent null pointer read and write issues

Virtual Machine v0.9.0

  • Improved virtual machine module now supports direct version updates in the helm application interface
  • Fixed an issue where creating a virtual machine via YAML configuration failed due to user info parsing errors

Multicloud Management v0.19.0

  • Fixed an issue where converting a single-cloud application to a multicloud application incorrectly overwrites labels and annotations in the multicloud namespace
  • Fixed an issue where Pods generated by multicloud scheduled tasks appear in the instance Pods of the same-named multicloud workload

Container Registry v0.18.1

  • Improved accuracy of login command prompts when integrating harbor general administrators into the container registry
  • Fixed a pagination error in the image selector interface of the Workbench


Insight Server v0.27.0

  • Added service upstream and downstream topology in service details
  • Improved dashboards for application administrators

Insight Agent v0.27.0

  • Added namespace permission users cannot view insight-agent details

Microservices Engine v0.37.1

  • Added support for viewing exception information of distributed transaction components in the overview
  • Added support for multi-instance capability of external services at the gateway

Service Mesh v0.26.0

  • Added Istio Analyze
  • Fixed an implemented controller to sync Istio resources in the worker cluster


  • Added support for parameter template import functionality
  • Fixed support for batch modification of instance parameters

Cloud Native AI v0.5.0

  • Added support for adding Tensorboard analysis dashboard when creating tasks with baizectl
  • Added support for binding custom environments created in Environment Management to Jobs

Global Management v0.27.0

  • Added support for uniformly enabling/disabling background video on the login page
  • Added support for importing SSH public keys in the personal center

Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.11.0

  • Improved edge unit custom repository interaction is now more convenient to create
  • Improved edge node access supports configuring cloud-edge channel communication protocols, supporting WebSocket and QUIC protocols

Upgrade Notes

  • Installer: When upgrading DCE 5.0 product components from lower versions to v0.16.0, the upgrade will fail. It is recommended to upgrade to v0.16.1. If using v0.16.0, disable the Insight component in mainfest.yaml during the upgrade.
  • Container Management: When upgrading from Kpanda v0.21.x to v0.22.0 and later versions, if the Global cluster uses Redis in sentinel mode, you need to change --set global.db.redis.url during the upgrade.
  • Global Management: When upgrading from v0.15.x (or lower) to v0.27.0 (or higher), the database parameters to connect the Helm needs to be modified. Refer to Offline Upgrade Global Management for details.
  • Workbench:

    • Upgrading from versions before v0.21.0 to this version may cause GitOps applications to disappear. It is recommended not to upgrade to this version and directly upgrade to versions after v0.22.0.
    • In v0.27.0, native applications, helm applications, and OLM applications will report errors after clicking operations in the list under the all-namespace mode. A separate upgrade to v0.27.1 is required.
  • Insight: Due to breaking changes in Insight v0.25.0, when upgrading Insight Server to v0.25.x, Insight Agent must also be upgraded to v0.25.x simultaneously.

  • Redis Cache Service:

    • When upgrading from Redis v0.14.0 (or lower) to v0.16.0 and below, the iteration includes an upgrade of the Redis Operator, which will cause a restart of Redis standalone, master-slave, and sentinel instances during the upgrade.
    • When upgrading from Redis v0.15.0 (or lower) to v0.16.0 and below, the iteration includes an upgrade of the Redis Operator (redis-ha-operator), which will cause a restart of Redis sentinel instances during the upgrade.



Global Management: Once the global management is upgraded to v0.27.0 or above, other modules must be upgraded to the proper versions, otherwise the interface cannot be accessed normally!

The versions supported by Global Management v0.27.0 are as follows:

  • Workbench v0.17.3 and above
  • Container Management v0.18.1 and above
  • Multicloud Management v0.9.1 and above
  • Container Registry v0.8.0 and above
  • Insight v0.17.2 and above
  • Microservice Engine v0.22.0 and above
  • Service Mesh v0.16.2 and above
  • Middleware RabbitMQ v0.11.0 and above
  • Middleware MySQL v0.9.0 and above
  • Middleware ElasticSearch v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware Redis v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware MinIO v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware Kafka v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware PostgreSQL v0.2.0 and above
  • Middleware MongoDB v0.1.0 and above
  • Middleware RocketMQ v0.2.0 and above

Known Issues

Known issues for installer v0.18.0, see Installation Troubleshooting.


