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DCE 5.0 v0.26.0-20250131 Enterprise Released

This page explains the latest features, improvements and bug fixes, included in DCE 5.0 v0.26.0-20250131 Enterprise. DCE 5.0 modularizes each product module, and the versions included in this release are the default versions in the DCE 5.0 installer. If you need to independently upgrade or replace each module, contact Daocloud's support team to download the proper versions and upgrade. Also refer to DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements.

Module Versions

Category Module Version Compatible K8s Versions
Installation Installer v0.26.0 K8s 1.24 - 1.30
Kubean v0.22.4 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
Workbench Workbench v0.34.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Container Container Management1 v0.36.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
MultiCloud Management v0.24.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
Container Registry v0.24.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Networking2 v0.16.2 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
HwameiStor3 v0.16.1 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
Virtual Machine4 v0.15.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.30
Observability Insight v0.34.1 K8s 1.19 - 1.30
Microservices Microservices Engine v0.44.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Service Mesh v0.34.0 K8s 1.21 - 1.30
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.27.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
MySQL v0.25.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
ElasticSearch v0.23.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Redis v0.26.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
MinIO v0.21.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
PostgreSQL v0.18.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
MongoDB v0.16.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Kafka v0.22.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
RocketMQ v0.13.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Cloud Native AI AI Lab v0.13.0 K8s 1.25 - 1.30
Edge Computing Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.18.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Management Global Management v0.33.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30
Operational Management v0.11.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.30



Global Management: Once Global Management is upgraded to v0.33.0 or higher, all other modules must be upgraded to the corresponding versions; otherwise, the UI interface cannot be accessed properly!

The supported module versions for Global Management v0.33.0 are as follows:

  • Workbench v0.17.3 or higher
  • Container Management v0.18.1 or higher
  • MultiCloud Management v0.9.1 or higher
  • Container Registry v0.8.0 or higher
  • Insight v0.17.2 or higher
  • Microservices Engine v0.22.0 or higher
  • Service Mesh v0.16.2 or higher
  • Middleware RabbitMQ v0.11.0 or higher
  • Middleware MySQL v0.9.0 or higher
  • Middleware ElasticSearch v0.8.0 or higher
  • Middleware Redis v0.8.0 or higher
  • Middleware MinIO v0.6.0 or higher
  • Middleware Kafka v0.6.0 or higher
  • Middleware PostgreSQL v0.2.0 or higher
  • Middleware MongoDB v0.1.0 or higher
  • Middleware RocketMQ v0.2.0 or higher

Known Issues

For known issues with the installer v0.26.0, refer to Installation Troubleshooting.



  1. GPU capability requirement kernel ≥ 3.10.1160 

  2. Cilium ≥ 5.10 

  3. Refer to DRDB supported kernel versions 

  4. KubeVirt ≥ 4.x 
