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Download Addon v0.11.0

This page provides the option to download Addons for DCE 5.0. If you need to use the Addons offline, you can configure them in the clusterConfig.yaml file. For detailed instructions, refer to the DCE 5.0 installation process.

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Filename Version Architecture File Size Download Update Date
addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-amd64.tar.gz v0.11.0 AMD 64 ⬇ Download 2023-09-22
addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-arm64.tar.gz v0.11.0 ARM 64 ⬇ Download 2023-09-22


Navigate to the downloaded directory of the offline package.

Run the following command to verify the integrity:

echo "030d6ccef45274aa6f0ce5c54c1b4035f655fd909ec676b1c0cacc679390f6838b71328cf1d9c95a38e49b9cfef3c0b97e724be310746c715dfc0390abbb9da7  addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-amd64.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the result will be similar to:

addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-amd64.tar.gz: ok

Run the following command to verify the integrity:

echo "43bee8ac3873332a530f2f8c0271ca559956a61f06d6b623fd9c99525fe10de99f06e1a4197c7f8cf68aa2337c452de96234368fa5f8101347aa52790a34807a  addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-arm64.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the result will be similar to:

addon-offline-full-package-v0.11.0-arm64.tar.gz: ok


DCE 5.0 supports offline Addons. After downloading the offline package, open the clusterConfig.yaml file and modify the addonOfflinePackagePath field to specify the location of the Addon.

Included components

The offline package of Addon v0.11.0 includes the following components:

Repo Components Version
addon metrics-server 3.8.3
kubernetes-cronhpa-controller 1.3.0
vpa 1.5.0
skoala-init 0.27.2
velero 3.0.0
rabbitmq-cluster-operator 0.13.0
eck-operator 0.10.0
redis-cluster-operator 0.11.0
strimzi-kafka-operator 0.8.0
minio-operator 0.8.0
jenkins 0.2.3
insight-agent 0.20.0
coredns-metrics 0.1.0
harbor-operator 1.4.0
spiderpool 0.7.0
contour 11.1.2
multus-underlay 0.2.4
f5networks 0.2.0
metallb 0.13.10
nmstate 0.74.0
neuvector 2.4.2
falco 2.0.17
falco-event-generator 0.1.1
falco-exporter 0.8.2
community dao-2048 1.3.1
kube-node-tuning 0.3.1
node-problem-detector 2.3.1
kuberhealthy 90
kube-bench 0.1.5
vela-core 1.6.7
wordpress 15.2.39
docker-registry 2.2.2
argo-cd 5.16.13
kubeview 2.7.1
prometheus-adapter 4.1.1
prometheus-node-exporter 4.6.0
kube-state-metrics 4.22.3
Repo Components Version
addon metrics-server 3.8.3
kubernetes-cronhpa-controller 1.3.0
vpa 1.5.0
skoala-init 0.27.2
rabbitmq-cluster-operator 0.13.0
eck-operator 0.10.0
redis-cluster-operator 0.11.0
strimzi-kafka-operator 0.8.0
minio-operator 0.8.0
jenkins 0.2.3
insight-agent 0.20.0
community dao-2048 1.3.1
kube-node-tuning 0.3.1
node-problem-detector 2.3.1
kuberhealthy 90
vela-core 1.6.7
docker-registry 2.2.2
prometheus-adapter 4.1.1
prometheus-node-exporter 4.6.0
kube-state-metrics 4.22.3
