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Download Addon v0.18.0

This page provides the option to download Addons for DCE 5.0. If you need to use the Addons offline, you can configure them in the clusterConfig.yaml file. For detailed instructions, refer to the DCE 5.0 installation process.

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Filename Version Architecture Size Download Date
standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz v0.18.0 AMD 64 24.5 GB ⬇ Download 2024-06-11
standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-arm64.tar.gz v0.18.0 ARM 64 15.5 GB ⬇ Download 2024-06-11
gpu-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz v0.18.0 AMD 64 4.2 GB ⬇ Download 2024-06-11


Navigate to the directory where the offline package was downloaded.

Run the following command to verify the integrity of the offline package:

echo example
echo "0984c5eb350bc2182097366027cd59cead35de602feb847f63ff703c10e2a59986855f89406ecd3a29bb143328ff7208a6701856d94d2f9b48d78670db4fae39  standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the output will be similar to:

standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz: ok

Run the following command to verify the integrity of the offline package:

echo command example
echo "c279815db43a55c43a2cbc10ad8d6d4aa7448e02248a0b70070da770a9b3dba252a5046461cf07c8390a4a6d725b84b3aa03745190fcf27cd34d6e75bd04e31c  standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-arm64.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the output will be similar to:

standard-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-arm64.tar.gz: ok

Run the following command to verify the integrity of the offline package:

echo command example
echo "942860866872d4b727ab451ef02f4747bb7dbdd30c5b26d21bc94d4be5d8de9db54260b32403543cddbc378f3bdeed5669354808d291b9866f915d16ccb65f67  gpu-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the output will be similar to:

gpu-addon-offline-package-v0.18.0-amd64.tar.gz: ok


DCE 5.0 supports offline Addons. After downloading the offline package, open the clusterConfig.yaml file and modify the addonOfflinePackagePath field to specify the location of the Addon.

Included Components

The list of components included in the v0.18.0 Addon offline package is as follows:

Repo Components Versions
addon metrics-server 3.11.0
kubernetes-cronhpa-controller 1.3.1
vpa 1.5.0
skoala-init 0.37.0
velero 5.4.0
rabbitmq-cluster-operator 0.19.0
eck-operator 0.16.0
mysql-operator 0.17.1
redis-cluster-operator 0.17.0
strimzi-kafka-operator 0.14.0
minio-operator 0.14.0
postgres-operator 0.11.0
mongodb-operator 0.9.0
rocketmq-operator 0.6.0
harbor-operator 1.4.0
insight-agent 0.27.0-rc6
spiderpool 0.9.3
egressgateway 0.5.1
contour 11.1.2
multus-underlay 0.2.4
f5networks 0.2.0
metallb 0.13.12
nmstate 0.74.0
neuvector 2.4.2
falco 2.0.17
falco-event-generator 0.1.1
falco-exporter 0.8.2
coredns-metrics 0.1.0 (skip image)
jenkins 0.3.1
ingress-nginx 4.6.0
rollout-demo 0.1.1
submariner-operator 0.14.0
submariner-k8s-broker 0.14.0 (skip image)
sriov-network-operator 1.2.0
cni-metrics 0.1.0 (skip image)
cert-manager 1.11.0
virtnest-agent 0.6.0
kube-app-manager 0.1.4
hwameistor-operator v0.14.6
olm 0.2.4
harbor-middleware 0.0.4
kant-worker-components 0.11.0
cloudcore 1.16.1
edgemesh 1.14.0
insight-edge-agent 0.1.3
kdoctor 0.2.1
server 0.2.0
argo-rollouts 2.32.0
vela-core 1.9.7
argo-cd 5.34.6
ascend-mindxdl 0.0.1
volcano 1.8.2
community dao-2048 1.3.1
kube-node-tuning 0.3.1
kubean v0.7.4
node-problem-detector 2.3.1
kube-bench 0.1.5
kuberhealthy 90
wordpress 15.2.39
docker-registry 2.2.2
kubeview 2.7.1
prometheus-adapter 4.2.0
prometheus-node-exporter 4.6.0
kube-state-metrics 4.22.3
istiod 1.17.1
gateway 1.17.1 (skip image)
base 1.17.1 (skip image)
cni 1.17.1
opentelemetry-demo-lite 1.1.9
sonarqube 10.2.0+738
gitlab 7.5.0
testlink 10.0.13
nexus-repository-manager 61.0.2
nxrm-ha 63.0.0
deepflow 6.5.007
deepflow-agent 6.5.007
Repo Components Versions
addon metrics-server 3.11.0
kubernetes-cronhpa-controller 1.3.1
vpa 1.5.0
skoala-init 0.37.0
velero 5.4.0
rabbitmq-cluster-operator 0.19.0
eck-operator 0.16.0
redis-cluster-operator 0.17.0
strimzi-kafka-operator 0.14.0
minio-operator 0.14.0
postgres-operator 0.11.0
mongodb-operator 0.9.0
rocketmq-operator 0.6.0
harbor-operator 1.4.0
insight-agent 0.27.0-rc6
coredns-metrics 0.1.0 (skip image)
jenkins 0.3.1
egressgateway 0.5.1
contour 11.1.2
ingress-nginx 4.6.0
spiderpool 0.9.3
multus-underlay 0.2.4
metallb 0.13.12
nmstate 0.74.0
submariner-operator 0.14.0
submariner-k8s-broker 0.14.0 (skip image)
sriov-network-operator 1.2.0
cni-metrics 0.1.0 (skip image)
cert-manager 1.11.0
kube-app-manager 0.1.4
hwameistor-operator v0.14.6
harbor-middleware 0.0.4
kant-worker-components 0.11.0
cloudcore 1.16.1
edgemesh 1.14.0
insight-edge-agent 0.1.3
kdoctor 0.2.1
server 0.2.0
argo-rollouts 2.32.0
vela-core 1.9.7
argo-cd 5.34.6
ascend-mindxdl 0.0.1
volcano 1.8.2
community dao-2048 1.3.1
kube-node-tuning 0.3.1
kubean v0.7.4
node-problem-detector 2.3.1
kuberhealthy 90
docker-registry 2.2.2
prometheus-adapter 4.2.0
prometheus-node-exporter 4.6.0
kube-state-metrics 4.22.3
istiod 1.17.1
gateway 1.17.1
base 1.17.1
cni 1.17.1
opentelemetry-demo-lite 1.1.9
deepflow 6.5.007
deepflow-agent 6.5.007
Repo Components Versions
addon nvidia-vgpu 2.0.0+3
gpu-operator 23.9.0
