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DCE 5.0 Enterprise with Installer v0.12.0

This page allows you to download the offline package and checksum files for DCE 5.0 Enterprise.

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Filename Version Architecture Size Download Date
offline-v0.12.0-amd64.tar v0.12.0 AMD 64 23.30 GB ⬇ Download 2023-11-08
offline-v0.12.0-arm64.tar v0.12.0 ARM 64 20.20 GB ⬇ Download 2023-11-08


Navigate to the directory where the offline package was downloaded.

Run the following command to verify the offline package:

echo "6a2bc869f2ec916dff35a5a473f13dcccef8126d664089ea0465e1a343eececf5a357520244990c765c9de608b765e26b8950bf0322b26b5e53491826d1d919a  offline-v0.12.0-amd64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, it will print:

offline-v0.12.0-amd64.tar: OK

Run the following command to verify the offline package:

echo "c7fba9dfe0979caa2910b9aa2674e3a744455b185f9ee8e70264d8833e962df3361fb85d9d5d33be8fc643e36d9929e3d7af37ead66e7d30483d76dc77faa04c  offline-v0.12.0-arm64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, it will print:

offline-v0.12.0-arm64.tar: OK


After the offline package has been successfully verifyd,

Run the following command to extract the tar package:

tar -zxvf offline-v0.12.0-amd64.tar

Run the following command to extract the tar package:

tar -zxvf offline-v0.12.0-arm64.tar


DCE 5.0 Enterprise includes the following modules that can be used on-demand to meet various application scenarios:

Modules Description Versions
Global Management Responsible for user access control, permissions, workspaces and folders, audit logs, and custom appearance. 0.21.0
Container Management Manages clusters, nodes, workloads, Helm applications, CRDs, namespaces, and more Kubernetes features 0.22.0
Insight Provides rich dashboards, scenario monitoring, data querying, alerting, and graphical information 0.21.1
Workbench Container-based DevOps application platform that supports Jenkins, Tekton, GitOps, and other pipeline jobs 0.21.0
MultiCloud Management Centralized management of multicloud, hybrid cloud, and cross-cloud resources, with capabilities such as multicloud disaster recovery and fault recovery 0.13.1
Microservice Engine Provides governance capabilities such as service discovery, service governance, configuration management, and microservice gateway 0.28.1
Service Mesh Next-generation service mesh for cloud-native applications based on Istio open-source technology v0.20.3
Middleware Elasticsearch Currently the preferred full-text search engine 0.11.0
Middleware Kafka Distributed message queue service based on the open-source software Kafka 0.9.0
Middleware MinIO A lightweight, open-source object storage solution that is highly popular 0.9.0
Middleware MySQL The most widely used open-source relational database 0.12.0
Middleware RabbitMQ Open-source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 0.14.0
Middleware Redis An in-memory database caching service 0.12.0
Container Registry Used to store images for K8s, DevOps, and container application development 0.11.0
Networking Supports multiple CNI combinations for different Linux kernels 0.10.1
Storage Provides unified data storage services, supports file, object, block, and local storage, and easily integrates with storage vendor solutions v0.13.1
Cloud Edge Collaboration Extends containerized capabilities to the edge v0.5.1

