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DCE 5.0 Community with Installer v0.17.0

This page provides downloads for the offline installation package and verification files for DCE 5.0 Community.

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Filename Version Architecture Size Download Date
offline-community-v0.17.0-amd64.tar v0.17.0 AMD 64 7.61 GB ⬇ Download 2024-05-09
offline-community-v0.17.0-arm64.tar v0.17.0 ARM 64 7.21 GB ⬇ Download 2024-05-09


Go to the offline installation package download directory.

Run the following command to verify the installation package:

echo "2c88ae3bad973140cccf5019f0bcee87e12795d644bd101111d1436080ce95d5281d33fcf28df50da0718b28fb42ee82f3ea8dea2ddcdc723e6258e26411396f  offline-community-v0.17.0-amd64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the following will be printed:

offline-community-v0.17.0-amd64.tar: OK

Run the following command to verify the installation package:

echo "b3f6d61fa072de06b7daa142238d2a02716c28588e63ebe632a45b4933a4e481f4049318b7facf0c6c235d3810ed8628b33f59543d2579e5df3d8e9d0aefffa3  offline-community-v0.17.0-arm64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the verification is successful, the following will be printed:

offline-community-v0.17.0-arm64.tar: OK


After successfully verifying the offline package,

Run the following command to decompress the tar package:

tar -zxvf offline-community-v0.17.0-amd64.tar

Run the following command to decompress the tar package:

tar -zxvf offline-community-v0.17.0-arm64.tar


DCE 5.0 Community includes the following modules by default:

Modules Introduction What's New
Global Management Responsible for user access control, permissions, workspace and hierarchy, audit logs, and custom appearance. 0.26.0
Container Management Manages clusters, nodes, workloads, Helm applications, CRDs, namespaces, and more Kubernetes features. 0.27.0
Insight Provides rich dashboards, scene monitoring, data querying, and alert information. 0.26.0

