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DCE 5.0 Community with Installer v0.4.0

This page allows you to download the offline package and checksum file of DCE 5.0 Community.

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Filename Version Architecture File Size Download Update Date
offline-community-v0.4.0-amd64.tar v0.4.0 AMD 64 5.73 GB ⬇ Download 2023-01-12
offline-community-v0.4.0-arm64.tar v0.4.0 ARM 64 5.16 GB ⬇ Download 2023-01-12


Go to the download directory of the offline package.

run the following command to validate the offline package:

echo "41f7705d2be5487a721b936ba16b89ad2f35011b0d1a98d71d29ab51cf36ef2bf34283be384e76b0438c172ff9e236c44c33843e9855e9af253b1db4b84144fe offline-community-v0.4.0-amd64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the validation is successful, it will print:

offline-community-v0.4.0-amd64.tar: OK

run the following command to validate the offline package:

echo "1d0476965fd73002c379639353b0bd0e09cefe99156ef448c42a4c10aff60a9836981c86e914ba3f614617a455b67a8c3ce4d82d53b3e47a22222c34020d0 a00 offline-community-v0.4.0-arm64.tar" | sha512sum -c

If the validation is successful, it will print:

offline-community-v0.4.0-arm64.tar: OK


After the offline package has been successfully validated,

run the following command to extract the tarball:

tar -zxvf offline-community-v0.4.0-amd64.tar

run the following command to extract the tarball:

tar -zxvf offline-community-v0.4.0-arm64.tar


DCE 5.0 Community includes the following modules by default:

Modules Introduction What's New
Global Management Responsible for user access control, permissions, workspaces and folders, audit logs, personalized appearance settings, etc. v0.13.2
Container Management Manage K8s core features such as clusters, nodes, workloads, Helm applications, CRDs, and namespaces v0.14.0
Insight Provide rich graphic information such as dashboards, scene monitoring, data query, and alerts v0.13.2

