Access key¶
An access key is required for every user login or access to a resource. Follow the steps below to obtain the key, token and access the API.
get key¶
Log in to DCE 5.0, find Personal Center
in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, and you can manage the access key pair of the account on the Platform Settings
If there is no key on this page, click the Create Key
button to create up to 2 pairs of keys.
Generate token based on key pair¶
The token is valid for 3 days by default, and the parameter cycle
can be modified when it is generated.
The request URL for generating token is:
Method: GET
Description: Generate a token based on the key pair, and the validity period of the token is generated according to the cycle, which is 3 days by default.
Request parameters
Parameter name | Description | Parameter type | Required |
ak | key pair Ak | string | yes |
sk | key pair Sk | string | yes |
cycle | lifetime | int | no |
Response parameters
Parameter name | Description | Parameter type |
token | Token that can be used to access DCE 5.0 OpenAPI | string |
Request Example
curl -X GET ''
Request result
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkRKVjlBTHRBLXZ4MmtQUC1TQnVGS0dCSWc1cnBfdkxiQVVqM2U3RVByWnMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJleHAiOjE2NjE0MTU5NjksImlhdCI6MTY2MDgxMTE2OSwiaXNzIjoiZ2hpcHBvLmlvIiwic3ViIjoiZjdjOGIxZjUtMTc2MS00NjYwLTg2MWQtOWI3MmI0MzJmNGViIiwicHJlZmVycmVkX3VzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJncm91cHMiOltdfQ.RsUcrAYkQQ7C6BxMOrdD3qbBRUt0VVxynIGeq4wyIgye6R8Ma4cjxG5CbU1WyiHKpvIKJDJbeFQHro2euQyVde3ygA672ozkwLTnx3Tu-_mB1BubvWCBsDdUjIhCQfT39rk6EQozMjb-1X1sbLwzkfzKMls-oxkjagI_RFrYlTVPwT3Oaw-qOyulRSw7Dxd7jb0vINPq84vmlQIsI3UuTZSNO5BCgHpubcWwBss-Aon_DmYA-Et_-QtmPBA3k8E2hzDSzc7eqK0I68P25r9rwQ3DeKwD1dbRyndqWORRnz8TLEXSiCFXdZT2oiMrcJtO188Ph4eLGut1-4PzKhwgrQ"
Use token to access API¶
When accessing DCE 5.0 openAPI, add the request header Authorization:Bearer ${token}
to the request to identify the identity of the visitor, where ${token}
is the token value obtained in the previous step, the specific interface information See Interface Documentation.
Request Example
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization:Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkRKVjlBTHRBLXZ4MmtQUC1TQnVGS0dCSWc1cnBfdkxiQVVqM2U3RVByWnMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJleHAiOjE2NjE0MTU5NjksImlhdCI6MTY2MDgxMTE2OSwiaXNzIjoiZ2hpcHBvLmlvIiwic3ViIjoiZjdjOGIxZjUtMTc2MS00NjYwLTg2MWQtOWI3MmI0MzJmNGViIiwicHJlZmVycmVkX3VzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJncm91cHMiOltdfQ.RsUcrAYkQQ7C6BxMOrdD3qbBRUt0VVxynIGeq4wyIgye6R8Ma4cjxG5CbU1WyiHKpvIKJDJbeFQHro2euQyVde3ygA672ozkwLTnx3Tu-_mB1BubvWCBsDdUjIhCQfT39rk6EQozMjb-1X1sbLwzkfzKMls-oxkjagI_RFrYlTVPwT3Oaw-qOyulRSw7Dxd7jb0vINPq84vmlQIsI3UuTZSNO5BCgHpubcWwBss-Aon_DmYA-Et_-QtmPBA3k8E2hzDSzc7eqK0I68P25r9rwQ3DeKwD1dbRyndqWORRnz8TLEXSiCFXdZT2oiMrcJtO188Ph4eLGut1-4PzKhwgrQ' -k
Request result
"items": [
"id": "a7cfd010-ebbe-4601-987f-d098d9ef766e",
"name": "a",
"email": "",
"description": "",
"firstname": "",
"lastname": "",
"source": "locale",
"enabled": true,
"createdAt": "1660632794800",
"updatedAt": "0",
"lastLoginAt": ""
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"total": 1