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Customizing Keycloak Identity Provider (IdP)

Requirements: keycloak >= v20

Known issue in keycloak >= v21, support for old version themes has been removed and may be fixed in v22. See Issue #15344.

This demo uses Keycloak v20.0.5.

Source-based Development

Configure the Environment

Refer to keycloak/ for environment configuration.

Run the following commands based on keycloak/

cd quarkus
mvn -f ../pom.xml clean install -DskipTestsuite -DskipExamples -DskipTests

Run from IDE

Run from IDE

Add Service Code

If inheriting some functionality from Keycloak

Add files under the directory services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/broker :

The file names should be and .

java example:

Pay attention to the variable PROVIDER_ID = "oauth"; , as it will be used in the HTML definition later. example:

If unable to inherit functionality from Keycloak

Refer to the three files in the image below to write your own code:

none heritance

Add xxxProviderFactory to resource service

Add xxxProviderFactory to services/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/ so that the newly added code can work:


Add HTML file

Copy the file themes/src/main/resources/theme/base/admin/resources/partials/realm-identity-provider-oidc.html and rename it as realm-identity-provider-oauth.html (remember the variable to pay attention to from earlier).

Place the copied file in themes/src/main/resources/theme/base/admin/resources/partials/realm-identity-provider-oauth.html .

All the necessary files have been added. Now you can start debugging the functionality.

Packaging as a JAR Plugin

Create a new Java project and copy the above code into the project, as shown below:


Refer to pom.xml.

Run mvn clean package to package the code, resulting in the xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar file.

Download Keycloak Release 20.0.5 zip package and extract it.


Copy the xxx-jar-with-dependencies.jar file to the keycloak-20.0.5/providers directory.

Run the following command to check if the functionality is working correctly:

bin/ start-dev
