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Custom DCE 5.0 reverse proxy server address

Follow the steps below to customize the reverse proxy server address for DCE 5.0.

  1. Set environment variables for convenience in the following.

    # Your reverse proxy address, for example: `export DCE_PROXY=""`
    export DCE_PROXY="https://domain:port"
    # helm --set parameter backup file
    export GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK="ghippo-values-bak.yaml"
    # Get the version number of the current ghippo
    export GHIPPO_HELM_VERSION=$(helm get notes ghippo -n ghippo-system | grep "Chart Version" | awk -F ': ' '{ print $2 }')
  2. Update the global management Helm repository.

    helm repo update ghippo
  3. Back up the --set parameter.

    helm get values ​​ghippo -n ghippo-system -o yaml > ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK}
  4. Add your reverse proxy address.


    • If available, you can use the yq command:

      yq -i ".global.reverseProxy = \"${DCE_PROXY}\"" ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK}
    • Or you can use the vim command to edit and save:

      vim ${GHIPPO_VALUES_BAK}
        reverseProxy: ${DCE_PROXY} # only need to modify this line
  5. Execute helm upgrade to make the configuration take effect.

    helm upgrade ghippo ghippo/ghippo \
    -n ghippo-system\
    --version ${GHIPPO_HELM_VERSION}
  6. Use kubectl to restart the global management Pod to make the configuration take effect.

    kubectl rollout restart deploy/ghippo-apiserver -n ghippo-system
    kubectl rollout restart statefulset/ghippo-keycloakx -n ghippo-system
