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How to get the address of data upload?

When installing insight-agent, you need to configure the service address to upload the cluster indicators, logs, and link data to global service cluster. This article outlines the steps on how to obtain the address for data uploads.

Parameter Description

parameter description
${vminsert_host} Indicator data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster vminsert service
${es_host} Log data upload address, consistent with the elasticsearch service configuration used by the global service cluster
${otel_col_auditlog_port} audit log data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster opentelemetry-collector service
${otel_col_host} link data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster opentelemetry-collector service


If you use an external ElasticSearch cluster, please fill in the address, user name and password of the corresponding cluster.

Install insight-agent in global service cluster

When installing Global Service Cluster, it is recommended to access the cluster through a domain name:

export vminsert_host="vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // metrics
export es_host="insight-es-master.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // log
export otel_col_host="insight-opentelemetry-collector.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // link

Install insight-agent on worker cluster

The Working Cluster needs to upload the data of indicators, logs, and links to the Global Service Cluster. Please ensure that the Insight in the global service cluster is running and has exposed the address that the working cluster can access.

Obtain insight-agent through the interface

Refer to the following steps to obtain insight-agent through the interface.

  1. Log in to the console of Global Service Cluster and execute the following command:
export INSIGHT_SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get service insight-server -n insight-system --output=jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP})
curl --location --request POST 'http://'"${INSIGHT_SERVER_IP}"'/apis/'
  1. After executing the above command, the following return value is obtained:

    {"values":"{\"global\":{\"exporters\":{\"logging\":{\"scheme\":\"https\",\"host\":\"mcamel- common-es-cluster-es-http.mcamel-system.svc.cluster.local\",\"port\":9200,\"user\":\"elastic\",\"password\":\" XAlJ948ZY0leE320SQ6hfv17\"},\"metric\":{\"host\":\"\"},\"auditLog\":{\"host\":\"\"}}} }"}

Connect insight-agent via LoadBalancer

Please confirm that your cluster has installed a load balancer, and follow the steps below to connect insight-agent through LoadBalancer:

  1. Log in to the console of the global management cluster and execute the following command:

    kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep lb
    kubectl get service -n mcamel-system
  2. Obtain the address information of the corresponding service after execution:

    $ kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep lb
    lb-insight-opentelemetry-collector LoadBalancer 4317:32608/TCP,8006:30039/TCP 46d
    lb-vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack LoadBalancer 8480:31718/TCP 46d
    $ kubectl get service -n mcamel-system | grep common-es-cluster
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-http NodePort <none> 9200:31450/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-internal-http ClusterIP <none> 9200/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-transport ClusterIP None <none> 9300/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-kb-http NodePort <none> 5601:31424/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-prometheus-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9114/TCP 57d


  3. lb-vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack: URL for uploading metrics data

  4. lb-insight-opentelemetry-collector: link data upload address
  5. mcamel-es-cluster-masters-es-http: log data upload address

Connect insight-agent via NodePort

Obtain NodePort address through UI page

  1. Click Container Management from the left navigation bar to enter Cluster List.

    Install Collector

  2. Select the cluster kpanda-global-cluster, select Container Application -> Service in the left navigation bar, select insight-system namespace, and view the ports exposed by the corresponding service.

    View port

  3. vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack: index data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 8480

  4. insight-opentelemetry-collector: link data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 8006
  5. insight-opentelemetry-collector: Audit log data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 4317
  6. mcamel-es-cluster-masters-es-http: log data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 9200

Obtain the service address through the console

Connect insight-agent via NodePort.

  1. Log in to the console of the global management cluster and execute the following command:

    kubectl get service -n insight-system
    kubectl get service -n mcamel-system
  2. Obtain the address information of the corresponding service:

    $ kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep -E "opentelemetry|vminsert"
    insight-agent-opentelemetry-collector NodePort <none> 6831:32621/UDP,14250:31181/TCP,14268:30523/TCP,8888:32415/TCP,4317:32106/TCP,4318:31221/TCP, 8889:32558/TCP,9411:30911/TCP 42d
    vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack NodePort <none> 8480:32638/TCP 8d
    $ kubectl get service -n mcamel-system | grep common-es-cluster
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-http NodePort <none> 9200:31450/TCP 57d
