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Alert rules

When the indicator data of the resource meets the threshold condition, an alarm event will be generated, and the system will report the automatically triggered alarm to the alarm list.

Create alert rules

  1. After entering Observability, in the left navigation bar, select Alert Center -> Alarm Rules, and click the New Indicator Rule button.

    New indicator rule

  2. On the Create Alert Rule page, fill in the basic information, select indicators, trigger conditions and other information.

    Fill out the form

    • select indicator

      Two types of indicators, rule template and PromQL rule, are supported:

      • PromQL rule: Enter a PromQL expression, please Query Prometheus Expression for details.

      • Rule template: The basic indicators are predefined, and the indicators to be monitored can be set according to nodes and workloads.

    • Trigger conditions: set the threshold, trigger time, alarm level, etc. for the indicator.

  3. Trigger time: After the alarm is triggered and the duration reaches the set value, the alarm rule will become in the triggering state.

  4. Alarm level: It includes three levels: emergency, warning, and prompt.

    • Alarm notification: The object that receives the alarm message supports four receiving methods: email, DingTalk, WeChat, and Webhook, see Notification Configuration.
  5. After the configuration is complete, click the Confirm button to return to the list of alarm rules.


The newly created alarm rule is in the state of not triggered. Once the threshold condition and duration in the rule are met, it will become Triggering status.

Other operations

Click ... on the right side of the list, and select Edit, Copy or Delete in the pop-up menu to modify, copy or delete the alarm rule.

Other actions


The deleted alert rule will disappear completely, please operate with caution.
