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Kubernetes Cluster Compatibility Test

✅: Test passed; ❌: Test failed.


The table does not cover all test scenarios.

Test Case Test Method K8s 1.26 K8s 1.23.0 ~ 1.23.13 K8s 1.24.0 ~ 1.24.7 K8s 1.25.0 ~ 1.25.3 K8s 1.22 K8s 1.21 K8s 1.20 K8s 1.19 K8s 1.18 Remarks
Collect and query web application metrics E2E -
Add custom metric collection E2E -
Query real-time metrics E2E -
Instantaneous index query E2E -
Instantaneous metric API field verification E2E -
Query metrics over a period of time E2E -
Metric API field verification within a period of time E2E -
Batch query cluster CPU, memory usage, total cluster CPU, cluster memory usage, total number of cluster nodes E2E -
Batch query node CPU, memory usage, total node CPU, node memory usage E2E -
Batch query cluster metrics within a period of time E2E -
Metric API field verification within a period of time E2E -
Query Pod log E2E -
Query SVC log E2E -
Query statefulset logs E2E -
Query Deployment Logs E2E -
Query NPD log E2E -
Log Filtering E2E -
Log fuzzy query - workloadSearch E2E -
Log fuzzy query - podSearch E2E -
Log fuzzy query - containerSearch E2E -
Log Accurate Query - cluster E2E -
Log Accurate Query - namespace E2E -
Log query API field verification E2E -

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and there may be additional test scenarios.

The purpose of these tests is to verify the functionality and compatibility of features such as metric collection, real-time metric querying, log querying for various resources (Pods, Services, StatefulSets, Deployments, NPD), and log filtering. The tests have been conducted on Kubernetes versions 1.26, 1.23.0 to 1.23.13, 1.24.0 to 1.24.7, 1.25.0 to 1.25.3, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, and 1.18.
