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Enabling Insight Alert Notifications (v1alpha2)

Insight introduces a new templating system that adjusts the data structure used for rendering. This creates compatibility issues with the previous version (v1alpha1).
To prevent conflicts, the new system is disabled by default, and users must enable it manually.

Important: Once enabled, you must immediately migrate templates to the v1alpha2 syntax. Otherwise, alerts will fail with the error:
"Saved original message template cannot send alert notifications properly."
(Operations Tip: Always back up old template data before making changes.)

This document covers:

Enabling v1alpha2

  1. Add the following parameter when running a Helm upgrade:

    --set server.alerting.notifyTemplate.version="v1alpha2"
  2. Alternatively, edit the values.yaml file:

    -     version: v1alpha1
    +     version: v1alpha2

Method 2: Temporarily Modify the ConfigMap

  1. Edit the Insight server configuration file (configmap) named insight-server-config, updating the following setting:

    -   version: v1alpha1
    +   version: v1alpha2
  2. Save the changes and restart the insight-server.

Template Migration

The primary reason for migration is that the data structure has changed from AmAlert to AMHookRequest.
The new template system provides richer information and allows for better alert rendering.

Data Structure Comparison

New Structure (v1alpha2)

type AMHookRequest struct {
    Version           string            `json:"version,omitempty"`
    GroupKey          string            `json:"groupKey,omitempty"`
    Status            string            `json:"status,omitempty"`
    Receiver          string            `json:"receiver,omitempty"`
    GroupLabels       map[string]string `json:"groupLabels,omitempty"`
    CommonLabels      map[string]string `json:"commonLabels,omitempty"`
    CommonAnnotations map[string]string `json:"commonAnnotations,omitempty"`
    ExternalURL       string            `json:"externalURL,omitempty"`
    Alerts            []*AmAlert        `json:"alerts,omitempty"`
    TruncatedAlerts   int64             `json:"truncatedAlerts,omitempty"`

Old Structure (v1alpha1)

type AmAlert struct {
    Status       string            `json:"status,omitempty"`
    Labels       map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
    Annotations  map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
    StartsAt     string            `json:"startsAt,omitempty"`
    EndsAt       string            `json:"endsAt,omitempty"`
    GeneratorURL string            `json:"generatorURL,omitempty"`
    Fingerprint  string            `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"`

The key difference is that in v1alpha2, AmAlert now resides inside the Alerts field.
The new structure also introduces CommonLabels and CommonAnnotations, which provide more useful metadata.

Example: Email Notification Template Migration

For an email alert template, here’s the before-and-after difference:

New Template (v1alpha2)

  • The new template uses {{range .Alerts}} to iterate over multiple alerts.
  • Both the email subject and body now use the same data structure, reducing complexity.
+<b style="font-weight: bold">[{{ .Alerts | len -}}] {{.Status}}</b><br />
+{{range .Alerts}}
ruleName: {{ .Labels.alertname }} <br />
groupName: {{ .Labels.alertgroup }} <br />
severity: {{ .Labels.severity }} <br />
cluster: {{ .Labels.cluster | toClusterName }} <br />
{{if .Labels.namespace }} namespace: {{ .Labels.namespace }} <br /> {{ end }}
{{if .Labels.node }} node: {{ .Labels.node }} <br /> {{ end }}
targetType: {{ .Labels.target_type }} <br />
{{if }} target: {{ }} <br /> {{ end }}
value: {{ .Annotations.value }} <br />
startsAt: {{ .StartsAt }} <br />
{{if ne "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" .EndsAt }} EndsAt: {{ .EndsAt }} <br /> {{ end }}
description: {{ .Annotations.description }} <br />
+<br />

Old Template (v1alpha1)

[{{ .status }}] [{{ .severity }}] alert: {{ .alertname }}

Updated Syntax in v1alpha2

In the new template, severity and alert names now come from CommonLabels, which preserves their original values without additional processing.

[{{ .Status }}] [{{ .CommonLabels.severity }}] alert: {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}

More Examples

Feishu, DingTalk, and WeChat Notification Templates

+[{{ .Alerts | len -}}] {{.Status}}
+{{range .Alerts}}
Rule Name:   {{ .Labels.alertname }}
Group Name:  {{ .Labels.alertgroup }}
Severity:    {{ .Labels.severity }}
Cluster:     {{ .Labels.cluster | toClusterName }}
{{if .Labels.namespace }}Namespace:  {{ .Labels.namespace }}
{{ end }}{{if .Labels.node }}Node:  {{ .Labels.node }}
{{ end }}Target Type: {{ .Labels.target_type }}
{{if }}Target:  {{ }} 
{{ end }}Value:       {{ .Annotations.value }}
Starts At:   {{ .StartsAt }}
{{if ne "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" .EndsAt }}Ends At:     {{ .EndsAt }}
{{ end }}Description: {{ .Annotations.description }}
