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How to get the address of data upload?

When installing insight-agent, you need to configure the service address to upload the cluster metrics, logs, and trace data to global service cluster . This page outlines the steps on how to obtain the address for data uploads.

Parameter Description

parameter description
${vminsert_host} metric data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster vminsert service
${es_host} Log data upload address, consistent with the elasticsearch service configuration used by the global service cluster
${otel_col_auditlog_port} audit log data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster opentelemetry-collector service
${otel_col_host} trace data upload address, the default is the externally accessible address of the global service cluster opentelemetry-collector service


If you use an external ElasticSearch cluster, please fill in the address, username and password of the corresponding cluster.

Install insight-agent in global service cluster

When installing Global Service Cluster , it is recommended to access the cluster through a domain name:

export vminsert_host="vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // metrics
export es_host="insight-es-master.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // log
export otel_col_host="insight-opentelemetry-collector.insight-system.svc.cluster.local" // link

Install insight-agent on worker cluster

The Working Cluster needs to upload the data of metrics, logs, and traces to the Global Service Cluster . Please ensure that the Insight in the global service cluster is running and has exposed the address that the working cluster can access.

Obtain insight-agent through the interface

Refer to the following steps to obtain insight-agent through the interface.

  1. Log in to the console of Global Service Cluster and run the following command:
export INSIGHT_SERVER_IP=$(kubectl get service insight-server -n insight-system --output=jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP})
curl --location --request POST 'http://'"${INSIGHT_SERVER_IP}"'/apis/'
  1. After executing the above command, the following return value is obtained:

    {"values":"{\"global\":{\"exporters\":{\"logging\":{\"scheme\":\"https\",\"host\":\"mcamel- common-es-cluster-es-http.mcamel-system.svc.cluster.local\",\"port\":9200,\"user\":\"elastic\",\"password\":\" XAlJ948ZY0leE320SQ6hfv17\"},\"metric\":{\"host\":\"\"},\"auditLog\":{\"host\":\"\"}}} }"}

Connect insight-agent via LoadBalancer

Please confirm that your cluster has installed a load balancer, and follow the steps below to connect insight-agent through LoadBalancer:

  1. Log in to the console of the global management cluster and run the following command:

    kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep lb
    kubectl get service -n mcamel-system
  2. Obtain the address information of the corresponding service after execution:

    $ kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep lb
    lb-insight-opentelemetry-collector LoadBalancer 4317:32608/TCP,8006:30039/TCP 46d
    lb-vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack LoadBalancer 8480:31718/TCP 46d
    $ kubectl get service -n mcamel-system | grep common-es-cluster
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-http NodePort <none> 9200:31450/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-internal-http ClusterIP <none> 9200/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-transport ClusterIP None <none> 9300/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-kb-http NodePort <none> 5601:31424/TCP 57d
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-prometheus-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9114/TCP 57d


  3. lb-vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack : URL for uploading metrics data

  4. lb-insight-opentelemetry-collector : trace data upload address
  5. mcamel-es-cluster-masters-es-http : log data upload address

Connect insight-agent via NodePort

Obtain NodePort address through UI page

  1. Click Container Management from the left navigation bar to enter Clusters .

  2. Select the cluster kpanda-global-cluster , select Container Application -> Service in the left navigation bar, select insight-system namespace, and view the ports exposed by the corresponding service.

  3. vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack : index data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 8480

  4. insight-opentelemetry-collector : trace data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 8006
  5. insight-opentelemetry-collector : Audit log data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 4317
  6. mcamel-es-cluster-masters-es-http : log data upload address, set the NodePort corresponding to port 9200

Obtain the service address through the console

Connect insight-agent via NodePort.

  1. Log in to the console of the global management cluster and run the following command:

    kubectl get service -n insight-system
    kubectl get service -n mcamel-system
  2. Obtain the address information of the corresponding service:

    $ kubectl get service -n insight-system | grep -E "opentelemetry|vminsert"
    insight-agent-opentelemetry-collector NodePort <none> 6831:32621/UDP,14250:31181/TCP,14268:30523/TCP,8888:32415/TCP,4317:32106/TCP,4318:31221/TCP, 8889:32558/TCP,9411:30911/TCP 42d
    vminsert-insight-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack NodePort <none> 8480:32638/TCP 8d
    $ kubectl get service -n mcamel-system | grep common-es-cluster
    mcamel-common-es-cluster-es-http NodePort <none> 9200:31450/TCP 57d
