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Known Issues

This page lists some issues related to the installation and uninstallation of Insight Agent and their workarounds.


Insight Agent

Uninstallation Failure of Insight Agent

When you run the following command to uninstall Insight Agent,

helm uninstall insight agent

The tls secret used by otel-operator is failed to uninstall.

Due to the logic of "reusing tls secret" in the following code of otel-operator, it checks whether MutationConfiguration exists and reuses the CA cert bound in MutationConfiguration. However, since helm uninstall has uninstalled MutationConfiguration, it results in a null value.

Therefore, please manually delete the corresponding secret using one of the following methods:

  • Delete via command line: Log in to the console of the target cluster and run the following command:

    kubectl -n insight-system delete secret insight-agent-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-service-cert
  • Delete via UI: Log in to DCE 5.0 container management, select the target cluster, select Secret from the left menu, input insight-agent-opentelemetry-operator-controller-manager-service-cert, then select Delete.

Insight Agent

Log Collection Endpoint Not Updated When Upgrading Insight Agent

When updating the log configuration of the insight-agent from Elasticsearch to Kafka or from Kafka to Elasticsearch, the changes do not take effect and the agent continues to use the previous configuration.

Solution :

Manually restart Fluent Bit in the cluster.


Insight Agent

PodMonitor Collects Multiple Sets of JVM Metrics

  1. In this version, there is a defect in PodMonitor/insight-kubernetes-pod: it will incorrectly create Jobs to collect metrics for all containers in Pods that are marked with, instead of only the containers corresponding to

  2. After PodMonitor is declared, PrometheusOperator will pre-configure some service discovery configurations. Considering the compatibility of CRDs, it is abandoned to configure the collection tasks through annotations.

  3. Use the additional scrape config mechanism provided by Prometheus to configure the service discovery rules in a secret and introduce them into Prometheus.


  1. Delete the current PodMonitor for insight-kubernetes-pod
  2. Use a new rule

In the new rule, action: keepequal is used to compare the consistency between source_labels and target_label to determine whether to create collection tasks for the ports of a container. Note that this feature is only available in Prometheus v2.41.0 (2022-12-20) and higher.

+    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_insight_opentelemetry_io_metric_port]
+      separator: ;
+      target_label: __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number
+      action: keepequal
