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How to Configure Extended Parameters When Deploying a Cluster?


Before configuring extended parameters in a production environment, it is recommended to fully understand the behavior of the relevant parameters and be aware of any potential side effects. Only then should you decide whether to actually use them. It is advisable to conduct feasibility verification before going live!

This article will describe how to configure extended parameters for both DCE 5.0 global-service-clusters and worker clusters.

Supported Extended Parameters

DCE 5.0 relies on the open-source software Kubespray for cluster deployment, so basically, any configuration parameters supported by Kubespray can be configured under DCE 5.0.

For configurable parameters supported by Kubespray, refer to the community documentation.

Examples of some common variables:

Parameter Description Valid Values Default Value
calico_ipip_mode Configures Calico IPIP encapsulation 'Never', 'Always', 'CrossSubnet' 'Never'
calico_vxlan_mode Configures Calico VXLAN encapsulation 'Never', 'Always', 'CrossSubnet' 'Always'
calico_network_backend Configures Calico network backend 'none', 'bird', 'vxlan' 'vxlan'
kube_network_plugin Sets Kubernetes network plugin Calico
kube_proxy_mode Changes Kubernetes proxy mode to iptables mode
searchdomains Array of DNS domains to search when looking up hostnames
remove_default_searchdomains Boolean that removes the default search domain
nameservers Array of nameservers to use for DNS lookup
preinstall_selinux_state Sets SELinux state permissive, enforcing, disabled

Configuring Extended Parameters When Installing a Global Cluster

Refer to Step 2 of the Offline Installation of DCE 5.0 Commercial Version.

In the ClusterConfig.yml configuration file, update the kubeanConfig parameter information as follows:

kind: ClusterConfig
  creationTimestamp: null
  clusterName: my-cluster

  # Add extended parameters under kubeanConfig
  kubeanConfig: |-
    preinstall_selinux_state: disabled

Configuring Extended Parameters When Installing a Worker Cluster

Refer to creating work clusters, and define the extended parameters in the custom parameters in Step 5.
