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This page explains the preparations required for deploying DCE 5.0.


Currently, the installer script only performs pre-deployment checks on the bootstrap node, including whether the prerequisites have been installed and whether the CPU of the bootstrap node is greater than 10 cores, the memory is greater than 12GB, and the disk space is greater than 100GB.

Machine Checks

Check Item Specific Requirements Description
User Privilege root Deployment must be done using the root user, and the root user must be allowed to SSH login to each server
Swap Disabled If not satisfied, there is a chance that the system will experience IO spikes, causing the container runtime to freeze
Firewall Disabled (not mandatory) -
Selinux Disabled (not mandatory) -
Time Sync All cluster nodes must have synchronized time This is a requirement from Docker and Kubernetes. Otherwise, the kube.conf will report an error Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet
Timezone All servers must have the same timezone It is recommended to set it to Asia/Shanghai.
Refer to the command: timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai
Nameserver /etc/resolv.conf must have at least one nameserver Required by CoreDNS, otherwise there will be errors. In a pure offline environment, this nameserver can be a non-existent IP address. The default CentOS 8 minimal does not have the /etc/resolv file, so you need to create it manually.
Protocol IPv6 Support IPv6 must be enabled for bootstrap nodes using Podman

Dependency Component Checks on the Bootstrap Node

Check Item Version Requirement Description
podman v4.4.4 -
helm ≥ 3.11.1 -
skopeo ≥ 1.11.1 -
kind v0.19.0 -
kubectl ≥ 1.25.6 -
yq ≥ 4.31.1 -
minio client mc.RELEASE.2023-02-16T19-20-11Z -

If the dependency components do not exist, install the dependency components using the script Installing Prerequisites.

export VERSION=v0.16.0
# Download the script
curl -LO${VERSION}.sh

# Add executable permissions
chmod +x install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh

# Start installation
bash install_prerequisite_${VERSION}.sh online full
