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Release Notes

This page lists the release notes for Cloud Edge Collaboration, providing an overview of the evolution path and feature changes in each version.



New Feature

  • Added support for pre-pulling images on edge nodes when network conditions are good


  • Improved by adding a beginner's guide to help users quickly get started with edge services.
  • Improved the addition of a beginner's guide to help users quickly get started with edge business



New Feature

  • Added support for creating and managing device models


  • Improved device parameter configuration for more flexible device creation
  • Improved support for edge installation packages to dynamically update download links based on offline environments




  • Improved the interaction for custom repositories in edge units, making creation more convenient
  • Improved the edge node access which now suppports cloud-edge communication protocols, including WebSocket and QUIC
  • Improved edge workloads which now support multi-instance configuration



New Features

  • Added support for user-defined installation of MQTT services
  • Added a feature of confguring workload upgrade policy
  • Added a feature of configuring workload affinity
  • Added a feature of adding aliases for edge nodes


  • Improved the edge node access process for a more user-friendly experience



New Features

  • Added support for users to customize installation of MQTT service


  • Improved the edge node access process for a more user-friendly interaction


  • Fixed an issue with client displaying time in different time zones



New Features

  • Added a feature of rolling back versions of workloads
  • Added display of deployed workload versions
  • Added monitoring of edge node status, node resource usage, read/write speeds, receive/send rates, and other metrics
  • Added monitoring of workload status, resource usage, read/write speeds, receive/send rates, and other metrics
  • Added scheduling of GPU resources such as NVIDIA, Huawei Ascend, and others



New Features

  • Added support for integrating with KubeEdge installed in the cluster


  • Improved batch deletion interaction for edge resources
  • Improved edge unit image authentication interaction
  • Improved custom device parameter configuration



New Features

  • Added support for custom end device access, compatible with multiple device protocols
  • Added service capabilities to support edge-to-edge communication
  • Added a feature to view container log information


  • Improved interaction for setting component Helm repository when creating edge units
  • Improved interaction for setting edge component container registry address when creating batch tasks
  • Improved a feature of editing and deleting edge units in the "In Progress" state


  • Fixed an issue where the default container registry for edge units created in the Cloud Edge Collaboration installed via the installer was set to "release"
  • Fixed an issue with abnormal edge unit status determination due to the addition of edge components



New Features

  • Added a feature of batch registration and access of x86_64 and arm64 architecture edge computing machines as edge nodes
  • Added features of pausing/resuming the scheduling of edge nodes
  • Added a feature of removing edge nodes
  • Added a feature to show node information, such as Kubelet version, operating system, container runtime, and resource usage/allocation status.
  • Added a feature to show the list of pods, labels and annotations, event list, and status on edge nodes
  • Added a feature of creating edge node groups through specified nodes or tag filtering
  • Added a feature of editing and deleting edge node groups
  • Added a feature of deploying applications to edge nodes as images
  • Added a feature of creating workloads via YAML
  • Added support for various image pull policies to meet different operational needs during application restarts
  • Added a feature of configuring CPU/memory quotas, such as request and limit values
  • Added a feature of configuring workload lifecycle, health checks, environment variables, data storage, and security settings
  • Added a feature of adding workload labels and annotations
  • Added support for multiple network access methods for workloads, including port mapping, host network, and no access
  • Added a feature of editing workload YAML
  • Added a feature of updating workloads, including container specifications, access configurations, and deployment configurations.
  • Added operations of restarting/stopping workloads
  • Added a feature to view workload event information
  • Added a feature of deploying applications to edge node groups as images in bulk
  • Added a feature of creating message routes to allow messages to be forwarded to corresponding endpoints based on configured routing rules
  • Added the access of Modbus protocol end device to the platform and realized the visual management
  • Added features of binding and unbinding end devices with registered edge nodes
  • Added twin properties of adding, modifying, and deleting device
  • Added support for editing twin properties to change the expected values in the device twin information stored on edge nodes, allowing devices to synchronize and change their status accordingly
  • Added a feature of adding tags to devices, allowing for querying devices based on multiple tag key-value pairs
  • Added support for configuring device access settings to obtain device data
  • Added support for deleting end devices
