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Helm templates

Helm is a package management tool for Kubernetes, which makes it easy for users to quickly discover, share and use applications built with Kubernetes. The fifth generation Container Management Module provides hundreds of Helm templates, covering storage, network, monitoring, database and other main scenarios. With these templates, you can quickly deploy and easily manage Helm applications through the UI interface. In addition, it supports adding more personalized templates through Add Helm repository to meet various needs.

Key Concepts:

There are a few key concepts to understand when using Helm:

  • Chart: A Helm installation package, which contains the images, dependencies, and resource definitions required to run an application, and may also contain service definitions in the Kubernetes cluster, similar to the formula in Homebrew, dpkg in APT, or rpm files in Yum. Charts are called Helm Templates in DCE 5.0.

  • Release: A Chart instance running on the Kubernetes cluster. A Chart can be installed multiple times in the same cluster, and each installation will create a new Release. Release is called Helm application in DCE 5.0.

  • Repository: A repository for publishing and storing Charts. Repository is called Helm repository in DCE 5.0.

For more details, please go to Helm official website.

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