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Integrate Clusters

With the features of integrating clusters, DCE 5.0 allows you to manage on-premise and cloud clusters of various providers in a unified manner. This is quite important in avoiding the risk of being locked in by a certain providers, helping enterprises safely migrate their business to the cloud.

In DCE 5.0 Container Management module, you can integrate a cluster of the following providers: standard Kubernetes clusters, Redhat Openshift, SUSE Rancher, VMware Tanzu, Amazon EKS, Aliyun ACK, Huawei CCE, Tencent TKE, etc.


  • Prepare a cluster of K8s v1.22+ and ensure its network connectivity.
  • The operator should have the NS Editor or higher permissions.


  1. Enter Container Management module, and click Integrate Cluster in the upper right corner.


  2. Fill in the basic information by referring to the following instructions.

    • Cluster Name: It should be unique and cannot be changed after the integration. Maximum 63 characters, can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and a separator ("-"), and must start and end with a lowercase letter or number.
    • Cluster Alias: Enter any characters, no more than 60 characters.
    • Release Distribution: the cluster provider, support mainstream vendors listed at the beginning.
  3. Fill in the KubeConfig of the target cluster and click Verify Config . The cluster can be successfully connected only after the verification is passed.

    Click How do I get the KubeConfig? to see the specific steps for getting this file.


  4. Confirm that all parameters are filled in correctly and click OK in the lower right corner of the page.


The status of the newly integrated cluster is Integrating , which will become Running after the integration succeeds.
