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Importing MinIo Operator Offline

This guide explains how to import the MinIo Operator offline in an environment without internet access.


  • The current cluster is connected to the container management and the Global cluster has installed the kolm component (search for helm templates for kolm).
  • The current cluster has the olm component installed with a version of 0.2.4 or higher (search for helm templates for olm).
  • Ability to execute Docker commands.
  • Prepare a container registry.


  1. Set the environment variables in the execution environment and use them in the subsequent steps by running the following command:

    export OPM_IMG= 
    export BUNDLE_IMG= 

    How to get the above image addresses:

    Go to Container Management -> Select the current cluster -> Helm Applications -> View the olm component -> Plugin Settings , and find the images needed for the opm, minio, minio bundle, and minio operator in the subsequent steps.

    Using the screenshot as an example, the four image addresses are as follows:
    # opm image
    # minio image
    # minio bundle image
    # minio operator image
  2. Run the opm command to get the operators included in the offline bundle image.

    # Create the operator directory
    $ mkdir minio-operator && cd minio-operator 
    # Get the operator yaml
    $ docker run --user root -v $PWD/minio-operator:/minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} alpha bundle unpack --skip-tls-verify -v -d ${BUNDLE_IMG} -o ./minio-operator
    # Expected result
    └── minio-operator
        ├── manifests
           ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml
           ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml
           ├── console_v1_service.yaml
           ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
           ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml
           ├── operator_v1_service.yaml
           ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml
           └── sts_v1_service.yaml
        └── metadata
            └── annotations.yaml
    3 directories, 9 files
  3. Replace all image addresses in the minio-operator/manifests/minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml file with the image addresses from the offline container registry.

    Before replacement:

    After replacement:

  4. Generate a Dockerfile for building the bundle image.

    $ docker run --user root -v $PWD:/minio-operator -w /minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} alpha bundle generate --channels stable,beta -d /minio-operator/minio-operator/manifests -e stable -p minio-operator  
    # Expected result
    ├── bundle.Dockerfile
    └── minio-operator
        ├── manifests
           ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml
           ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml
           ├── console_v1_service.yaml
           ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
           ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml
           ├── operator_v1_service.yaml
           ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml
           └── sts_v1_service.yaml
        └── metadata
            └── annotations.yaml
    3 directories, 10 files
  5. Build the bundle image and push it to the offline registry.

    # Set the new bundle image
    $ docker build . -f bundle.Dockerfile -t ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG}  
    $ docker push ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG}
  6. Generate a Dockerfile for building the catalog image.

    $ docker run --user root -v $PWD:/minio-operator -w /minio-operator ${OPM_IMG} index add  --bundles ${OFFLINE_BUNDLE_IMG} --generate --binary-image ${OPM_IMG} --skip-tls-verify
    # Expected result
    ├── bundle.Dockerfile
    ├── database
       └── index.db
    ├── index.Dockerfile
    └── minio-operator
        ├── manifests
           ├── console-env_v1_configmap.yaml
           ├── console-sa-secret_v1_secret.yaml
           ├── console_v1_service.yaml
           ├── minio.min.io_tenants.yaml
           ├── minio-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
           ├── operator_v1_service.yaml
           ├── sts.min.io_policybindings.yaml
           └── sts_v1_service.yaml
        └── metadata
            └── annotations.yaml
    4 directories, 12 files
  7. Build the catalog image.

    # Set the new catalog image  
    $ docker build . -f index.Dockerfile -t ${OFFLINE_CATALOG_IMG}  
    $ docker push ${OFFLINE_CATALOG_IMG}
  8. Go to Container Management and update the built-in catsrc image for the helm application olm (enter the catalog image specified in the construction of the catalog image, ${catalog-image} ).

  9. After the update is successful, the minio-operator component will appear in the Operator Hub.
