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Scan Configuration

The first step in using CIS Scanning is to create a scan configuration. Based on the scan configuration, you can then create scan policies, execute scan policies, and finally view scan results.

Create a Scan Configuration

The steps for creating a scan configuration are as follows:

  1. Click Security Management in the left navigation bar of the homepage of the container management module.

  2. By default, enter the Compliance Scanning page, click the Scan Configuration tab, and then click Create Scan Configuration in the upper-right corner.

  3. Fill in the configuration name, select the configuration template, and optionally check the scan items, then click OK .

    Scan Template: Currently, two templates are provided. The kubeadm template is suitable for general Kubernetes clusters. The daocloud template ignores scan items that are not applicable to DCE 5.0 based on the kubeadm template and the platform design of DCE 5.0.

View Scan Configuration

Under the scan configuration tab, clicking the name of a scan configuration displays the type of the configuration, the number of scan items, the creation time, the configuration template, and the specific scan items enabled for the configuration.

Updat/Delete Scan Configuration

After a scan configuration has been successfully created, it can be updated or deleted according to your needs.

Under the scan configuration tab, click the action button to the right of a configuration:

  • Select Edit to update the configuration. You can update the description, template, and scan items. The configuration name cannot be changed.
  • Select Delete to delete the configuration.
