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Install Elasticsearch

Because Elasticsearch belongs to the application layer of DCE 5.0, a DCE environment needs to be prepared first.

Follow the steps below to install Elasticsearch.

Install elasticsearch-operator

  1. On the left navigation bar, click Container Management -> Cluster List.

    cluster list

  2. Select the cluster where Elasticsearch is to be installed, and click the cluster name.

    Click on a cluster name

  3. In the left navigation bar, click Helm Application -> Helm Template, enter elasticsearch in the search box, press the Enter key, and click the elasticsearch tile card.


  4. After selecting the appropriate version, click the Install button. You can also follow the text prompts in the black area to install from the command line.


  5. Enter an appropriate name, select the namespace and version, and click OK. You can also configure YAML at the bottom to install.

    Form Install

    yaml install

  6. The system returns to the Helm application list, and the screen prompts that the creation is successful. After refreshing the page, the newly created application is at the first place.

    helm app

Install mcamel-elasticsearch

  1. Configure the repository.

    helm repo add mcamel-release
    helm repo update
  2. Check the version.

    helm search repo mcamel-release/mcamel-elasticsearch --versions
    mcamel-release/mcamel-elasticsearch 0.2.3 0.2.3 A Helm chart for Kubernetes
  3. Install and upgrade.

    helm upgrade --install mcamel-elasticsearch --create-namespace -n mcamel-system --cleanup-on-fail \
    --set global.mcamel.imageTag=v0.2.3 \
    --version 0.2.3

    Parameter Description:

    --set ui.image.tag: Specify the front-end image version
    --set ghippo.createCrd: Register ghippo routing, enabled by default
    --set insight.serviceMonitor.enabled: Enable monitoring, enabled by default
    --set insight.grafanaDashboard.enabled: Enable the monitoring panel, which is enabled by default
    # global parameters
    --set global.mcamel.imageTag: image version
    --set global.imageRegistry: container registry address


When uninstalling, first uninstall mcamel-elasticsearch, and then delete elasticsearch-operator to release related resources.

Uninstall mcamel-elasticsearch

helm uninstall mcamel-elasticsearch -n mcamel-system

Remove elasticsearch-operator

  1. In the Helm application list, click on the far right, and select Delete from the pop-up menu.

    Remove menu

  2. Enter the name to be deleted in the pop-up window, and click Delete after confirming that it is correct.

    Delete popup

Installation parameter description

key type default description
apiServer.affinity object {}
apiServer.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
apiServer.image.registry string ""
apiServer.image.repository string "mcamel/mcamel-elasticsearch-apiserver"
apiServer.image.tag string "v0.0.1"
apiServer.imagePullSecrets list []
apiServer.livenessProbe.enabled bool true
apiServer.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
apiServer.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
apiServer.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
apiServer.livenessProbe.scheme string "HTTP"
apiServer.livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
apiServer.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
apiServer.nodeSelector object {}
apiServer.podAnnotations object {}
apiServer. podSecurityContext object {}
apiServer.readinessProbe.enabled bool true
apiServer.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
apiServer.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30
apiServer.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 30
apiServer.readinessProbe.scheme string "HTTP"
apiServer.readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
apiServer.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5
apiServer.replicaCount int 1
apiServer.resources object {}
apiServer.securityContext object {}
apiServer.service.grpcPort int 8090
apiServer.service.grpcProtocol string "TCP"
apiServer.service.grpcTargetPort int 8090
apiServer.service.httpPort int 8080
apiServer.service.httpProtocol string "TCP"
apiServer.service.httpTargetPort int 8080
apiServer.service.type string "ClusterIP"
apiServer. tolerations list []
ghippo.createCrd bool false
ghippo.version string "v0.1.0"
global.imagePullSecrets list []
global.imageRegistry string ""
global.mcamel.imageTag string ""
insight.grafanaDashboard.enabled bool false
insight.grafanaDashboard.metadataLabels string "insight"
insight.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false
insight.serviceMonitor.metadataLabels string "insight" string "mcamel-elasticsearch"
insight.serviceMonitor.selectorMatchLabels string "elasticsearch"
ui.affinity object {}
ui.enabled bool true
ui.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
ui.image.registry string ""
ui.image.repository string "mcamel/mcamel-elasticsearch-ui"
ui.image.tag string "v0.2.0"
ui.imagePullSecrets list []
ui.nodeSelector object {}
ui.podAnnotations object {}
ui.podLabels object {}
ui.replicaCount int 1
ui.resources object {}
ui.service.port int 80
ui.service.type string "ClusterIP"
ui.tolerations list []
