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View, Update and Delete Kafka

This page illustrates how to view, update and delete the Kafka message queue.

View Kafka

  1. On the Message Queue page, click an instance name.

    Click a name

  2. Enter the message queue overview to view basic information, access settings, resource quotas, and Pod lists.

    View information

Update Kafka

  1. In the message queue, click the ... button on the right, and select Update Instance from the pop-up menu.

    Update instance

  2. After modifying Basic Information, Spec Settings and Service Settings, click OK .


  3. Return to the message queue list, and a message will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen: Successfully updated the instance .

Delete Kafka

  1. Select the message queue and click the ... button on the right, and click Delete Instance from the pop-up menu.

    Click the botton

  2. Enter the name of the message queue in the pop-up window, and click the Delete button to confirm deletion.



    After an instance is deleted, all messages related to the instance will also be deleted, so please proceed with caution.
