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View MySQL Instance

In the MySQL instance list, select the instance you want to view and click the instance name to enter the detail page.


The Overview page supports viewing Basic Information, Access Settings, Resource Quota, Synchronization delay, Alert, Pod List and Recent Events. Among them,

  • Synchronization delay: It refers to the time difference between the standby node receiving the packets sent by the master node due to network latency or other factors during the replication or synchronization process.

  • Alert: The overview page only supports viewing the latest 10 alerts. Click View More to enter alert list.


Parameter Configuration

Click the Update button in the upper right corner of the page to update the Current value.

Parameter Configuration


Updating parameters requires a restart, which will make the instance unavailable. Proceed with caution!

Backup Management

  • Select Backup Data from the dropdown menu, and click Create Backup in the upper right corner to create backup data.

    Backup Data

  • Select Backup Setting to change Backup Configurations, add Path, or enable Automatic Backup.

    Backup Settings
