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Create the circumscribed mesh

  1. In the upper right corner of the service mesh list page, click Create mesh.

  2. Select External mesh and fill in the mesh configuration information.

    • mesh name: start with a lowercase letter, consist of lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), and cannot end with a dash (-)
    • Control plane cluster: the cluster used to run the mesh management plane, the list includes the clusters that the current mesh platform can access and are in normal state. The item comes with a refresh icon and a Create Cluster button. Click Create Cluster to jump to Container Management Platform to create a new cluster. After the creation is complete, return to this page and click the refresh icon to update the list.
    • Istio root namespace: The Istio root namespace where the mesh resides.
    • container registry: Enter the URL address of the container registry.
  3. Click the OK button to complete the mesh creation. The system automatically returns to the mesh list, and you can view and manage the newly added meshs.
