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Known Network Component Issues and Kernel Compatibility

This page summarizes known issues with various network components that may have a significant impact on production environments, along with some recommendations and solutions.


IPVS mode

Accessing services may encounter 1s delay or failed requests.

  • Symptoms:

    1. Accessing services through Service experiences a 1s delay.
    2. Some requests fail during a rolling update.
  • Impacts:

    kubernetes Versions kube-proxy Behaviors Symptoms
    <= v1.17 net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode=0 RealServer could not be removed, and some requests fail during a rolling update.
    >= v1.19 net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode=0 (kernel > v4.1)
    net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode=1 (kernel < v4.1)
    The default kernel version of CentOS 7.6-7.9 is earlier than v4.1, and accessing services through Service experiences a 1s delay.
    The default kernel version of CentOS 8 is higher than v4.1, and RealServer could not be removed, and some requests fail during a rolling update.
    >= v1.22 The net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode value (kernel > v5.6) is not modified
    net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode=0 (kernel > v4.1)
    net.ipv4.vs.conn_reuse_mode = 1 (kernel < v4.1)
    The default kernel version of CentOS 7.6-7.9 is earlier than v4.1, and accessing services through Service experiences a 1s delay.
    The default kernel v4.16 of CentOS 8 is higher than v4.1, and RealServer could not be removed, and some requests fail during a rolling update.
    The default kernel v5.15 of Ubuntu 22.04 is higher than v5.9 kernel, and does not have the issue.
  • Recommendation: IPVS mode is not recommended when the kernel version is below v5.9.

  • Reference: Kubernetes Issue #93297

iptables mode

  • Symptom: The source port is not random enough after NAT, resulting in a 1s delay

  • Impact:

    Kernel iptables Version Symptom
    < v3.13 v1.6.2 The source port is not random enough after NAT, resulting in a 1s delay
  • Recommendation: An upgrade of the kernel version is advised by considering released versions.

externalIPs does not work under externalTrafficPolicy: Local

  • Impact: v1.26.0 <= affected version < v1.30.0

  • Recommendation: Update kubernetes to v1.30.0

  • Reference: Kubernetes PR #121919

When endpoint in Service is updated, the rules of new endpoint don't take effect until much later

  • Impact: v1.27.0 <= affected versions < v1.30.0

  • Recommendation: Update kubernetes to v1.30.0

  • Reference: Kubernetes PR #122204

LoadBalancerSourceRanges does not work properly in nftables mode

iptables nft and legacy mode selection issue

  • Impacts:

    Versions Behaviors Impacts
    < v1.18 Using iptables-legacy kube-proxy may not work
    >= v1.18 Prefer to choose nft None
  • Reference: kubernetes-sigs/iptables-wrappers


Offload VXLAN causes a delay during access

  • Impacts:

    Calico Versions Behaviors Impacts
    < v3.20 No response When the kernel version is lower than v5.7, a 63s delay experiences between pods and Service.
    >= v3.20 VXLAN offload is automatically disabled by default via FelixConfiguration. The performance of NICs is low, only running 1-2 Gbps/s.
    >= v3.28 VXLAN offload is automatically enabled in kernel v5.7, addressing previous packet loss issues with ClusterIP and improving performance. When the kernel version is lower than v5.7, the performance of NICs is low, only running 1-2 Gbps/s.
  • Recommendations:

    • When lower versions Calico have access latency issue, it can be avoided by ethtool --offload vxlan.calico rx off tx off.
    • Higher versions Calico will automatically disable VXLAN offload by default, so customers with network performance requirements can update the kernel version to v5.7 to solve the problem.
  • References:

The parent device of VXLAN is modified but the route is not updated

  • Impacts:

    Calico Versions Behaviors Impacts
    < v3.28.0 No response If routing tables do not to use new parent NIC, old routes can't be cleaned up even after restarting felix.
    >= v3.28.0 The VXLAN Manager recreates a routing table when the parent device changes. None
  • Recommendation: Update Calico to v3.28.0

  • Reference: Calico PR #8279

Caches of Cluster calico-kube-controllers are out of sync, causing memory leaks

  • Recommendation: Update Calico to v3.26.0

Inter-node networking is not functioning properly for pods in the IPIP mode

  • Impacts:

    Calico Versions Behaviors Impacts
    < v3.28.0 No response The inter-node networking may fail for pods in kernel < v5.7 due to incompatibility between checksum calculation and iptables --random-fully.
    >= v3.28.0 The checksum calculation is disabled by default None
  • Recommendation: Update Calico to v3.28.0+. For earlier versions, you can manually turn off the feature using theethtool -K tunl0 tx off command.

  • Reference: Calico PR #8031

iptables nft and legacy mode selection issue

  • Impacts:

    Calico Versions Behaviors Impacts
    < v3.26.0 It needs to be specified manually, and there are some logical problems with automatic calculations. Service network anomalies may occur due to a incorrect iptables mode selection.
    >= v3.26.0 Automatic calculation None
  • Recommendations: Update Calico to v3.26.0+. For earlier versions, you need to manually specify the FELIX_IPTABLESBACKEND variable with either the NFT or LEGACY option.

  • Reference: Calico PR #7111


  • Recommendation: If you encounter the following problem, please try to update Spiderpool to a higher version to solve it.

Known issues in v0.9

SpiderCoordinator has an error synchronizing status, but the status is still running

  • Analysis: If getting the CIDR information for the cluster fails, we should update its status to NotReady, which prevents the pod from being created properly. Otherwise, the pod will run with an incorrect CIDR, which makes network connectivity fail.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2929

Values.multus.multusCNI.uninstall does not take effect after setting, resulting in multus resources not being deleted correctly

  • Analysis: After Values.multus.multusCNI.uninstall set to true and Spiderpool uninstalled, multus-related resources are still present and not removed as expected.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2974

serviceCIDR cannot be gotten from kubeControllerManager pod when kubeadm-config is missing

  • Analysis: In some scenarios where kubeadm is not used to create a cluster, there may not be a kubeadm-config configMap, so that an attempt will be made to get the serviceCIDR from kubeControllerManager. Due to a bug, the serviceCIDR cannot be gotten from the kubeControllerManager pod, causing the SpiderCoordinator to fail to update status.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #3020

Upgrading from v0.7.0 to v0.9.0 will cause a panic due to a new attribute TxQueueLen to the SpiderCoordinator CRD

  • Analysis: In Spiderpool v0.9.0, a new attribute TxQueueLen is added to SpiderCoordinator CRD. However, during the upgrade operation, there is no default value, which may cause a panic. Therefore, you need to use it and treat it as default value 0.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #3118

Different cluster deployment methods cause SpiderCoordinator to return an empty serviceCIDR, which prevents pods to be create

  • Analysis: Due to different cluster deployment methods, there are two types of CIDRs recorded in the cluster kube-controller-manager pod:

    • Spec.Containers[0].Command
    • Spec.Containers[0].Args

    For example, the RKE2 cluster is Spec.Containers[0].Args instead of Spec.Containers[0].Command. The Spec.Containers[0].Command is hardcoded in the original implementation logic, leading to a judgment error that results in an empty serviceCIDR and subsequently causes pods creation to fail.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #3211

Known Issues in v0.8

ifacer cannot create bond using vlan 0

  • Analysis: Creating a bond via ifacer fails when vlan 0 is used.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2639

The multus feature is disabled but multus CR resource still is created

  • Symptom: During installation, the multus feature is disabled, but the multus CR resource is still created, which is not as expected.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2756

spiderCoordinator fails to detect gateway connections in netns of pods

  • Analysis: Currently, spiderCoordinator uses a plugin to use errgroup to concurrently check for gateway reachability and IP conflicts to improve detection speed. Each OS thread can have different network namespaces and the thread scheduling of Go is highly variable, so the caller is not guaranteed to set any particular namespaces. However, when starting a goroutine in netns.Do, the code is not guaranteed to execute in the specified network namespace when the Go is running. Therefore, the errgroup method of Go needs to be modified to manually switch to the target network namespace when starting goroutine, and then return to the original network namespace after execution to ensure that gateway reachability and IP conflicts can be checked.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2738

The spiderpool-agent pod crashes when kubevirt fixed IP feature is turned off

  • Analysis: When the kubevirt fixed IP feature is turned off, the spiderpool-agent pod crashes and fails to run, affecting the overall IPAM functionality.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2971

SpiderIPPool resource does not inherit attributes of SpiderSubnet, such as gateway and route

  • Analysis: If you create a SpiderSubnet resource first, and then create a SpiderIPPool resource for the corresponding subnet, the SpiderIPPool will inherit the gateway and routes of the SpiderSubnet. However, if you create an isolated SpiderIPPool first, and then create the corresponding SpiderSubnet resource, the SpiderIPPool resource will not inherit the attributes of SpiderSubnet.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #3011

Known issues in v0.7

IP conflicts will be notified when the StatefulSet type pod receives the IP allocation after restarting

  • Analysis: As the StatefulSet pod restarts, GC scanAll will release the previous IP address, because the system considers that the pod UID is different from the IP address recorded by IPPool so that notifies conflicts.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2538

Spiderpool cannot recognize third-party controllers, preventing StatefulSet pod from having fixed IP addresses

  • Symptom: Spiderpool cannot recognize third-party controllers like RedisCluster, so that the pod of StatefulSet controlled by them cannot use fixed IPs.

  • Analysis: For third party controllers: RedisCluster -> StatefulSet -> Pod, if Spiderpool sets SpiderSubnet autopool annotations for them, the pod will not start successfully.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2370

Empty spidermultusconfig.spec will cause the spiderpool-controller pod to crash

  • Symptom: After creating CR with empty spidermultusconfig.spec, webhook checksum succeeds, but the related network-attachment-definitions is not generated and spiderpool-controller experiences a panic.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2444

Cilium gets wrong overlayPodCIDR

  • Symptoms:

    • In the auto SpiderCoordinator mode, it is failed to get podCIDRType, so that the status of SpiderCoordinator is not as expected after updating.
    • Creating a Pod may cause network issues.
  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2434

In a 1:1 Pod-to-IP scenario, IPAM allocation can be blocked, preventing some pods from running and affecting IP allocation performance

  • Analysis: An IPPool with 1000 IP addresses and a Deployment with 1000 replicas is created. After allocating a certain number of IP addresses, you will observe a significant decrease in allocation performance, even cannot continue to allocate IP addresses, while a pod cannot start normally without an IP address. An actual IPPool resource has already recorded the pod and assigned its IP address, but the pod corresponding to the SpiderEndpoint does not exist.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2518

After disabling the IP GC feature, the spiderpool-controller component will not start correctly due to a readiness health check failure

  • Analysis: After disabling the IP GC feature, the spiderpool-controller component will not start correctly due to a readiness health check failure

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2532

IPPool.Spec.MultusName specifies namespace/multusName, but the associated multusName cannot be found due to a namespace parsing error

  • Symptom: IPPool.Spec.MultusName specifies namespace/multusName, but a namespace parsing error makes the multusName unfindable, causinhg affinity to fail.

  • Analysis: The pod annotation kube-system/ipvlan-eth0 is specified. However, due to Spiderpool's incorrect resolution of namespace, the wrong namespace is used when querying network-attachment-definitions, and the corresponding network-attachment-definitions not being found, so that the pod could not be created successfully.

  • Reference: Spiderpool PR #2514
