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Installation parameter configuration

This page describes the configuration of various parameters when installing Cilium with Kubean, as well as the enablement of the main features and related instructions.


  1. Make sure the OS Kernel version number >= 4.9.17, 5.10+ is recommended.

  2. To install Cilium in DCE 5.0, you need to select cilium for Network Plugins on the Create Cluster->Network Configuration page. For creating a cluster, see create worker cluster.

network setting

Parameter configuration

If you need to configure more features for Cilium, you can install Cilium via Kubean. Add and fill in parameters as needed under Advanced Configuration->Custom argentums when installing Cilium using Kubean.


The following describes the configuration of each argument when installing Cilium with Kubean:

  • Cilium data schema

    By default, the VXLAN tunnel mode is used, which is set by the following parameters:

    cilium_tunnel_mode: vxlan

    Supported values ​​are "vxlan", "geneve" and "disabled", where "disabled" means use route mode.

  • IPAM mode

    IPAM is responsible for assigning and managing the IP addresses of network endpoints (containers or otherwise). Cilium supports several IPAM modes. By default, the "Cluster Scope" mode is used, which can be set with the following parameters:

    cilium_ipam_mode: cluster-pool

    Supported values ​​include "cluster-pool", "kubernetes" and modes customized by major public clouds.

    1. kubernetes: uses the host-scope IPAM that comes with Kubernetes. Address assignment is delegated to each node and the Pod CIDR for the per-node is stored in v1.

    2. cluster-pool: the default IPAM mode, which allocates the Pod CIDRs of the per-node and uses the host-scope allocator on each node to assign IP addresses.

    This mode is similar to kubernetes, with the difference that the latter stores the Pod CIDR of the per-node in the v1.Node resource.

  • IPV4 and IPV6

By default, IPV4 is used, which can be set by the following parameters. If dual stack is enabled through the interface, the default IPv6 parameters are automatically turned on:

cilium_enable_ipv4: true
cilium_enable_ipv6: false # true enable IPV6
  • Cluster name

    The default Cilium cluster name is "default", which can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_cluster_name: default
  • Identity mode

    For the cilium id storage structure like crd or kvstore, it is usually a more convenient choice for storing meta information directly using CRD. But in large clusters, it is more efficient to split a separate set of ETCDs for cilium to use alone.

    The "crd" mode is used by default, which can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_identity_allocation_mode: crd
  • Resource Limits

    The default values ​​are:

    cilium_memory_limit: 500M
    cilium_cpu_limit: 500m
    cilium_memory_requests: 64M
    cilium_cpu_requests: 100m

    Users can make corresponding adjustments according to their own cluster conditions.

  • Time for Cilium DaemonSet to be ready again

    It can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_rolling_restart_wait_retries_count: 30
    cilium_rolling_restart_wait_retries_delay_seconds: 10
  • Monitor aggregation level

    By default, "medium" is used, which can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_monitor_aggregation: medium

    Supported values ​​are "none", "low", "medium", and "maximum".

    Generate a monitor notification when TCP which flags are monitored for the first time. And only takes effect when the aggregation level is "medium" or higher.

    It can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_monitor_aggregation_flags: "all"
  • Replace kube-proxy

    By default, no replacement is performed, and it can be turned on or off on the interface, or set through the following parameters:

    cilium_kube_proxy_replacement: disabled

    Supported values ​​are "disabled", "strict", "probe", and "partial".

  • Whether to do SNAT when traffic leaves the cluster

    Cilium by default does SNAT on IPv4 and IPv6 (if enabled) traffic leaving the cluster. It can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_enable_ipv4_masquerade: true
    cilium_enable_ipv6_masquerade: true

    The way to do SNAT uses "iptables" by default, and also supports "eBPF" mode, which is more efficient, but "eBPF" does not support IPv6.

    Can be set via the following parameters:

    cilium_enable_bpf_masquerade: false
  • Hubble

    Hubble is installed and enabled by default, and how to enable Hubble metrics. The metrics exposed by default are:

    - dns
    - drop
    - flow
    - icmp
    - http

    It can be set through the following related parameters:

    cilium_hubble_install: true # install hubble
    cilium_enable_hubble: true # enable hubble
    cilium_enable_hubble_metrics: true # enable metrics
    cilium_hubble_metrics: {} # metrics content
    cilium_hubble_tls_generate: true # Automatically update the hubble-relay certificate
  • Automatic mount of cgroup2 file system

    By default, the automatic mounting feature of the cgroup2 file system is enabled, and the default mounting path is "/run/cilium/cgroupv2".

    It can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_cgroup_auto_mount: true
    cilium_cgroup_host_root: "/run/cilium/cgroupv2"
  • Bypass netfilter in the host namespace

    By default, netfilter in the host namespace is bypassed, which can be set by the following parameters:

    cilium_enable_host_legacy_routing: true
  • Enable remote node identity

    Remote node identity is enabled by default and can be set with the following parameters:

    cilium_enable_remote_node_identity: true
  • Custom parameters

    Kubespray supports limited Cilium parameters. If you want to enable configurations that Kubespray does not support, you can set them through the following parameters:

      enable-endpoint-routes: true
  • Kubespray supported parameters

    Kubean calls Kubespray by default to install the cluster, see the following documentation:
